Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Statements of Faith - I'm A Whosoever
Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Two Fears - Part One: Fear Not
Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I Am with you; Be not dismayed, for I Am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.'
The first time we see God saying to one of His chosen servants to not fear is in Genesis 15:1, when God tells Abram, "After these things The Word of The LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I Am thy Shield, and thy Exceeding Great Reward."
The last time The Lord speaks these words, "Fear Not", is in Revelation 1:17, when The First and The Last speaks to John in his vision: "And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I Am The First and The Last."
In this day and age, we who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that The Word of God is Truth, are daily bombarded with unChristlike behaviors and attitudes. We are attacked on every side and must be able to hold onto the cross (the place of saving grace) and the empty tomb (the place of eternal life revealed), when we go about our day to day lives.
Everybody has a story, and in our stories are chapters: the situations we find ourselves in, whether through our own decisions or the result of someone else's decision(s) which impacted us in some way. But in every chapter God is there. Sometimes we see Him working in our lives, sometimes we are completely unaware that He is there.
I say all this to remind you (and myself) that God Is Present: He is The Omnipresent God -- everywhere at the same time. If you are a born again Christian, then God is with you: leading us, guiding us: revealing to us His purpose for our lives. If we would just listen to Him and follow His lead, He will work everything out for our good. He said so. Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." His purpose, His will, for our lives. We just have to wake up and pay attention.
There may or may not be 365 verses pertaining to not being afraid. I don't know, I've only just started this study. But I'm expressly searching out the two-word phrase "fear not". The rest can wait for another day.
When God gives the instruction to "fear not", He is preparing each person He speaks this to for a mighty move of God. God spoke to Abram and promised him that his seed, his heirs, would be in the multitudes, just as the stars that covered the night sky. God also informed Abram that his heirs would be enslaved by a people whom God was to judge at a later time (four hundred years). In all this Abram is to "fear not", for God is his Shield (his protector, his defense) and his exceeding great reward (not just Abram's Rewarder, but Abram's Reward).
Because of what took place in Genesis 14, God found favor with Abram and chose to visit him, speak with him, promise him many things and form a covenant with him. This great honor may be given to each of God's people when they obey God and believe His Word, as Abram did. Following God faithfully, we, too, may find ourselves in situations He places us in. Not for our comfort, but for our spiritual growth. God wants to speak to us. Are we listening for His voice? Are we in a place where we can hear Him clearly? and know which decision is the right decision? Only you and I and God know the answer to these questions. For He knows our hearts and our thoughts.
Let us "fear not" as we prepare to take the next step in our journey on The Way of Holiness in which we walk.
Friday, April 26, 2024
The Faithfulness of God
- Firmness: the quality of having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure
- Steadfastness: the quality of being resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering:
- Fidelity: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Return of The King - Days of Noah
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
I Am Christian's Memory
JOHN 14:26
But The Helper, The Holy Spirit, Whom The Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.
Memories are funny things. Even in our memories we are all different. I may remember my name and forget yours. As our physical bodies age or succumb to various diseases, our memories are affected, too.
Faces, names, connections like family and friendships may eventually fade from our memories in this life. But The Word which is planted within us will never fade. We will never forget that we belong to Christ. We have The Helper, The Holy Spirit, reminding us who we are in Christ and Who Christ is in us. I am Christian's memory and The Word will never leave me.
Even the gospel songs we love to sing may still linger on our lips. Psalm 77:6 "I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with my own heart: and my spirit made diligent search." I am Christian's memory and songs that glorify God and praise His Holy Name will always flow from within me. For The Holy Spirit is my Helper. He draws this flowing river of melodies and lyrics from the hidden places in my heart.
I am Christian's memory. I remember that God loves me so much He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for me. I remember that Jesus not only died to take my sins away forever, but that He defeated death, hell and the grave.
As He died on the cross, the sins of the whole world from the beginning of people until the last person gets saved were laid across His shoulders and He became sin. The weight of it crushed Him. But He stayed on the cross for us, for me. When He took our sins upon Himself, God could not be in His presence, for sin is unholiness and God's holiness had to separate itself from His Only Begotten Son.
After He died, His body was laid in the grave, the tomb. But only His body was there. His spirit and soul were in hell. Hell, where He overcame Satan in a battle we know little about. What we do know is that Satan, the devil, can be overcome by The Word and The Spirit, for that is how we overthrow him in this life we're living now. We know He holds the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18).
We know He overcame the grave because He walked out of it in His new body, His resurrected body was changed from what He looked like before He died. We know this because when Mary Magdalene encountered Him in the garden (John 20:14-16), she thought He was the gardener. [which, if you think about it, He is: He is the Master Gardener].
I am Christian's memory. Because I live in Christ and He lives in me, I, too, will be changed when my body leaves the grave. But know this: my soul will not remain with my body. When I die here, I will take His hand there. As I breathe my last here, I will inhale the perfume of heaven and my soul will be at peace in the eternal presence of my Lord and Savior. I am Christian's memory and I will go with Christian when Christian dies.
All the bad memories, all the hard times, will pass from my memory permanently. For God has promised to wipe away all tears. For instance:
Some time after my son Nick died, I had a dream. In this dream, as his car hit the pickup truck, Nick took hold of Jesus' hand which was extended to him and walked out of this life into his life eternal. He was not alone when he died; he was not afraid. The military chaplain who spoke at his funeral said that Nick was the "most Holy Spirit-filled young man he had ever met". What a testimony. This was the last time I cried. God put all my tears in one of His bottles (Psalm 56:8).
I am Christian's memory and I am filled with examples of the love of God, the merciful compassion of Christ, the guarded strength of The Holy Spirit. I may forget your name, your face, your connection to me. But I will never forget my God and my Savior.
HOPE HAS A NAME - River Valley Worship
Sunday, February 4, 2024
The Lord Is Faithful and True
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He does judge and make war.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
This is Christmas, Too
Matthew 2:1-2
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.
Matthew 2:16
Then Herod, when He saw that He was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.
As Christians, we celebrate the birth of Christ with joy and festivities. We give each other presents. We read aloud to our families the Christmas story from the Bible. But do we continue to read aloud when it comes to the other factors in the birth of The King?
The wise men were two years into their search. They did not show up to the stable to see the baby King in the manger. They found Him in a house (Matthew 2:11). They knew The Word so well that they were looking for the star before the star appeared. We know this because they were wise men from the east.
When we go back to the Book of Daniel (Daniel 2:17, 20), we read of the rudiments of education of which the wise men of that time were required. It is God who gives wisdom and knowledge. Should any of us desire such, it is to God we must go to obtain it. As King Solomon did when God approached him (1 Kings 3:5, 9).
Thus we know the wise men not only knew The Scriptures, they had more than a basic education. They were learned men: learning was their way of life. Having read The Scriptures, they believed The Scriptures and were searching the night skies looking for the star that would rise which would show them where the new King would be born. Once it appeared, they began their trek across continents to reach Him. But it took them Two Years to get there.
No one who comes to Jesus is ever late getting there. Every heart that truly seeks to see His face will find Him. "Ask and you will receive; Seek and you will find; Knock and the doors will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7.
But in their search for Christ, they met people along the way who sought to kill the new King (Matthew 2:3-8). By this Mary and Joseph were residing in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:11). This is where the wise men found Jesus. To a house in Bethlehem, to The One who was Born King of the Jews, they brought their gifts. Gifts which would pay tribute to Him as King (gold), honor Him as King (gold) and anoint Him as King (myrrh). These gifts would be used immediately.
For when the wise men did not return to Herod, the nasty king ordered all the young children two years old and under to be killed. Hundreds of babies and toddlers met their deaths at the hands of an unwise man. Parents had their infants yanked from their arms and slaughtered in front of them. The blood of innocents filled the city streets in Bethlehem and in every nearby coastal town (Matthew 2:16-18).
This, too, is Christmas. Sadness. Mourning. Weeping: an unending, heartbreaking tearyness which flowed from the broken hearts of the people whose children were dead. Another prophecy fulfilled, albeit a sad one. (Jeremiah 31:15). Not everyone was able to rejoice at the birth of The One who had been born King of the Jews.
As stated, the gifts the wise men gave to Jesus were used immediately. Because the order was about to go out while they were still residing in Bethlehem, the young family needed to leave in a hurry. They left in the night, under cover of darkness and fled the country (Matthew 2:12-14), taking the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh which we understand helped them on their journey. For they left immediately after the wise men's visit to their home.
So, now I ask you, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? Where is that is born King of Kings? For even now some still search for Him. To know The Scriptures is to know The Word; to know The Word is to know Jesus. The wise men from the east knew the prophecies of The Scriptures at that time. They came searching for He who had been BORN King of the Jews. This is a King who at His birth was already a King. All other kings were made kings or they may have been born into the position by reason of lineage. But Jesus was the born King. Lineage had nothing to do with it. He was King from the beginning, from before time/all through time/after time.
As He stated in John 8:58, Jesus told the people that He is I AM (Exodus 3:14). And they wanted to kill Him then, but He faded into the crowd. John 1:1-3 tells us Who this King is. He is King before He is born. He is Ruler. He is Sceptre. He is Governor. He is Jesus and waits for you to seek Him out and meet with Him.
Revelation 3:20 " Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." We don't need to wait for Him to come and find us where we are: He knows where we are. He waits for us to answer His knock on our hearts. He waits for us to open the door of our hearts and invite Him in, that The Word may dwell in our hearts.
Those who seek Him to destroy His Kingship will fail in their endeavors. Those who seek Him to honor Him as King will find Him. They, we, merely have to open the doors of our hearts and invite Him into our lives. Are you ready to meet Jesus? He's knocking on your heart right now.
THE GOSPEL - Ryan Stevenson
Monday, December 4, 2023
The Lord Is Present - - Come Near
Present: To Give to, To announce someone's entrance into your presence
Present: Gift given
Presence: In the vicinity of, nearby, close at hand
Every offering made to The LORD GOD in the Old Testament was made with fire; a sacrifice had to be given with the offering. It is not enough to give The LORD words, actions must back these words up.
We say, Lord, Here I am, use me. But when He places us in the midst of trials and temptations, what do we do? Mostly complain. Lord, I didn't ask for this. Lord, get me out of this. How about saying something a little bit (a lotta bit) different? Lord, show me how to be a blessing to you in this trial. Give me Your Word to speak in this temptation. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may remain strong and steadfast, standing against the very thing that wants to take me out or knock me down.
The Word says not to promise God we will do something and then not do it. When that happens, we have lied to God and we will have to answer for it. Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21; Ecclesiastes 5:4; Psalm 66:13.
We give gifts to each other with the intent that the recipient would be pleased with the gift being given and receive it with grace. God gives us wonderful gifts. He gives us life and then promises life eternal if we choose His only begotten Son as our Lord and Savior, for that is the Gift God gives each one who believes. Christ is the Gift of Grace, the Gift of Lovingkindness, the Gift of Mercy promised to a thousand generations. Jesus is the Gift of Hope, the Gift of Wisdom. The Holy Spirit is the Gift of Understanding, the Gift of Revelation, the Gift of Guardianship.
God gives us beauty. He has created the universe: the stars, the moon, the sun, the planets, the galaxies, the Milky Way, the comets, the nebulae, for His pleasure. God has created the earth and everything in it because it makes Him happy. He is still creating: people are constantly finding new animals and plants; though they call them evolutionary developments, adaptations to a changing world.
God gives us Himself. He wrapped His Word in a fragile package of flesh and bone (John 1:14) and had His Holy Spirit place it in a young virgin, whom He found faithful to Him. (Luke 1:35). That's Love. His plan of Salvation would soon be fulfilled. The Gospel of repentance and faith would soon be among us. In fact, even now, The Lord is Present.
Are you aware of The Presence of God? Can you hear Him calling you to enter into His presence? Come, come and see The King of The Jews. Come, come and see the tomb is empty, for He has risen. Come, come and rejoice over the lost sheep that has been found. The Spirit and the Bride, they say, Come, come and hear. God is calling you to be near Him. That's a Wonderful Gift to be given to mere mankind. Our heavenly Father wants us to be near Him, with Him, forever and ever.
Come, come and see the Newborn King (Luke 2:8-20). Come, let us go up to the mountain of The LORD (Micah 4:2). Come, let us enter His courts with thanks giving and praise (Psalm 100:4 ). Come, let us sing for joy to The LORD (Psalm 95:6). Come and see Jesus (John 4:29; John 1:46; John 1:29-34).
So, I say now, this day: Come, come and see Jesus. Contemplate and consider The WORD of GOD. Believe that this JESUS the CHRIST, the MESSIAH, is indeed The Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world! Come, come and see for yourself, with the eyes of your heart, with the ears of your understanding. Come, come and see JESUS. And stay near to Him all the days of your life.
Monday, November 13, 2023
The Lord Is Mighty In Battle
Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, The LORD Mighty in Battle.
Friday, November 10, 2023
The Lord Is Ever Present
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
Romans 7:25
2 Corinthians 9:15
Romans 6:17
1 Corinthians 15:57
Ezra 3:11
Revelation 4:9
Revelation 7:12
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Colossians 4:2,3
Psalm 139:14
Psalm 57:9
Psalm 108:3
Psalm 145:10
1 Chronicles 16:8
1 Chronicles 16:34
Psalm 105:1
Psalm 107:1
Psalm 118:1
Psalm 136
Psalm 100:4
Thursday, October 19, 2023
The Lord's Voice Is Powerful
Monday, August 14, 2023
Cup of Wrath
Part Three of The CupBearer & The Cups