Friday, November 23, 2012

Have A Heart

If being a Christian were easy, more people would participate.

Serving God with a Surrendered Heart means laying aside 

my desires, wants and thinks-I-needs, for what God desires,

wants and knows-I-need.

Serving God with a Committed Heart means going the route

He has chosen, which winds through Valleys, Hills and Rivers,

and not giving up on His direction.

Serving God with a Dedicated Heart means enjoying my Journey.

Serving God with a Loving Heart means I need to love everyone, 

not just people I like or the people in my sphere.

Serving God with a Faithful Heart means I must trust Him daily, 

all day long and into the night. God knows what is best for me,

even when I do not.

Serving God with a Tender Heart means I need to extend the 

Hand of Mercy to all.

Serving God with a Servant's Heart means I cannot serve myself,

only others and under the Lord's direction.

Serving God with a Broken Heart means I allow the Touch of God

in my life: poking here, dusting there; sweeping the cobwebs of time

and searching the nooks and crannies of my life 

to remove and uproot all that is not of God.

Even if it hurts, knowing His touch also heals 
at the same time.

Serving God with a Forgiving Heart means I can't hold grudges,
get even or seek revenge.

Serving God with a Peaceful Heart means that even in the darkest
hours of my life, anxiety, worry and fear take a back seat to
Hope and Trust.

Serving God with a Seeker's Heart means that when every Heart wedge
is in working order, I am able to witness the Gospel of Salvation 
through Christ to the world around me. In all capacities:
First, as Lightbearer, allowing Christ to shine through me.
Second, as Lightwalker, allowing Christ to light my path.
Thirdly, as Lightgiver, allowing Christ access to you by my obedience to Him.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Broken Vows

I was divorced. I was married once before to a man I was seeing through rose-colored glasses. I saw an illusion; not reality. But when I took off my glasses, the roses disappeared and the reality raised up its ugly little head. And I got frustrated and depressed and cried out to God to reveal what was wrong. And He heard my cries, visited me and spoke with me, and I repented of my wicked ways and completely turned my heart over to Him. I started putting Him first in everything I did. I made a public statement in our church that I loved God more than anything or anyone, as it should be. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind. My husband did not understand that he was my main man, and that I loved him more than any other man. He thought he should have all of me. After that, though, my marriage really went down hill. Some of those days are hard to remember cause depression and separation wipe out bad memories and good memories. I think he stopped talking to me. We used to go to bars together and drink; booze must've been the glue holding us together because when I got my heart right with God, I stopped drinking. Cold turkey. And since I wouldn't go with him to the bars, he found someone who would. Not long after that I filed for separation, had a nervous breakdown and got divorced.
If you didn't know any divorced people before, now you do. Nice to meet you. How do you treat people who have been divorced, when they come into your churches? Are they welcome? They should be; they are hurting on the inside even if you see only their smiles and hear their laughter. Learn to read people: look in their eyes. Pain is revealed in the eyes of the hurting. Behavior. Understanding. If you don't have the wisdom it takes to minister to the needs of God's hurting children, ask Him for it. He will give it to you. This I know, because I asked God for wisdom and discernment. And I am getting it. Even in my Bible studies. I don't understand how some preachers can say they have no sermon ideas. Lift up your head and open your eyes: there is a world of ideas to preach on. Open your Bible and ask God to reveal Himself to you every time you open it up. I do. Never go anywhere without your Bible, a lined notebook and a couple of pens.
Would I be welcome in your church? If you see me only on the surface, you will see a twice married (staying married this time) middle aged brunette with eight children (three of them are with Jesus), who is also a woman preacher that speaks boldly, for I have learned to fear God and Him only; I am not afraid of you. You cannot hurt me. Do you step to the side to avoid touching anyone you don't approve of? Would God be welcome in your church? He's divorced, too, you know. Oh yes, even though I have read my Bible all the way through and am reading it more slowly now as I do study after study, a verse popped out and stayed in my head and my heart: Jeremiah 3:8 "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also."
It was a message of repentance and judgment which Jeremiah had to deliver to Israel and Judah. But he didn't want to go. He was a young man and he would be speaking to the elders of the generations that were then in Israel and Jerusalem. He would be speaking to kings and priests; laborers and beggars. He would be prophesying against Israel and Judah for their backslidden ways and refusal to turn back to God and obey Him only. He would be speaking to rebellious nations who thought only of themselves, their pleasures and their desires. But God created Jeremiah for such a time as this; He put His Words in Jeremiah's mouth and Jeremiah preached against Israel's harlotry ways and against Judah's treacherous heart.
If I wasn't filled with The Holy Ghost at this time, I would be fearful of bringing this message also. But I am not afraid. God is with me; He it is that has sent me forth with this message to His people, the message He also gives in the New Testament, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. God judged Israel and Judah for their rebellious living against His Word. They turned their hearts against Him and refused to listen and obey His laws. As a nation they turned against Him; as a nation He judged them all.
She went whoring after other gods, refusing to obey her Lord and Savior God and He passed judgment on her. He called her and offered to forgive her and take her back but still generation after generation turned away from God and God had no choice but to terminate their relationship. When Jesus returns, that generation will see The Lord and know and repent of their wickedness and turn back to God.
Their backsliding days will be over for the Day of The Lord will be here. Until then, we are to continue to stand with her, pray for peace within her walls and the hearts of her people. We are to bless Israel, for God loves her still. She is His first love, after all. But we, the Gentiles, the Church, are His Bride now. We have been grafted into the New Jerusalem through Jesus Christ; we have new hearts, for our old hearts were circumcised when we repented of our wickedness and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives and our hearts.
We were not born Jewish, but we have been adopted by God through His Son Jesus Christ, through the blood that was shed at Golgotha: we are the called, the few, the chosen, the born-again. And our hearts have been washed clean of the wickedness that was in us. We have a Jewish Savior, The King of kings, The Lover of our souls, living in our hearts. But He couldn't live in the dungheaps of our lives, so He washed us clean with His redeeming blood which was shed on Calvary more than 2000 years ago. We have been baptized by water into His Name, we have been baptized into His power by The Holy Spirit, the Comforter He sent us after He went home to His Father when He resurrected from the grave. We have been given the authority to preach the Good News, the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Foolishness to many, a lifesaver to those who truly believe.
Repent, and be baptized, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Get up off your pews, your couches, your recliners, your sofas and your butt. Get yourself down on your knees before God and repent of your rebellious ways, before God's patience wears thin towards you and you receive judgment at His hands. It is not I who brings you this message on my own behalf, but on the authority of the risen Christ I preach the Good News that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for sins that you and I may be forgiven and receive a new heart in His Name.
Ask God to search your heart and remove any remnants of sin that have long lain dark within you. This is the day of your salvation. This is your day of rejoicing upon your salvation through Christ. This day has God forgiven you and caused you to become His child. The Spirit and The Bride, they say, Come. Come to the King of kings, let Him be the King of your heart and your life. come to the Living Water which is in Him and drink freely, that your thirst may be quenched. You who are hungry and thirsty for what you know not, come to the river and be fed. For Jesus is the Bread of Life and the River of Living Water.
Now is not the time to hesitate; now is the time to commit and rededicate your heart and your mind and your soul to God. Come, you thirsty.....

The whole book of Jeremiah is God's directive, spoken through Jeremiah, to Israel and Judah, who also turned her back on God and was judged and found wanting. Don't be found in that book; be found in The Book of Life, wherein are written the names of all those who believe. The names written in God's Book of Life will be the Christians who endured to the end of their race and remained faithful to God's Word and God's Will until they died. My name is written in God's Book of Life. I will hear Him say to me, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." For that is who I am now. God's servant. I am the handmaid of The Lord and I go where He wants me to go and I do what He wants me to do. I obey His Word because Christ is my Strength and I fear God. He is awesome, wonderful, mighty, fearsome and powerful. But in these characteristics He is also loving, generous, merciful, forgiving and wise.
I will serve The Lord. Who will you serve?

This Makes Me Beautiful to God

This is  a 31-Day Devotional booklet that I had made up for one of our Women's Retreats through our church and district. Everyone had to bring something bought or homemade for a raffle to raise funds for our group. So  I made two items. One was a coffee basket. A lovely golden basket with handle contained a homemade relaxation cd, a cup and saucer, instant coffee jar, a coffee scented candle and a booklet of made-from-scratch beauty recipes, plus homemade creamers. That was a hit. The other item was an upcycled corn syrup jar converted into a gorgeous vase.
In the bottom of the vase I put little white and gray stones with a Bible verse written on them. Each verse indicated what made a person beautiful to God. But I was thinking that they may not know why I chose those particular verses. So, I wrote it all down and printed it off neatly. Then tied it with ribbons. The vase was labeled and I had wrapped a grape vine around the top, with grapes attached. It was very pretty. Inside the jar, on top of the stones, I put about 15-20 bite size chocolates. And then I stuck the flower clips which I had made in that. So then it resembled a potted bouquet. That went over well, too.
This is the booklet:

     1 Peter 3:3 It is not my clothes, nor my jewelry, nor my fancy hairdo, nor my piercings, nor my make-up, nor my lack of these things in my life. What makes us beautiful to God is everything that makes God happy. So, what makes God happy in me? Is there anything that I can do or which I can say, that will delight God and make me beautiful to Him?

God makes me beautiful with His Word because:

  1. I put Him first. Psalm 63:1
  2. I take delight in His Word. Psalm 1:2
  3. He is My Salvation, My Healer. Jeremiah 17:14
  4. I speak the language of Grace. Colossians 4:6
  5. I bring with me only what The Holy Spirit has given me, when I enter into His courts with praise. Esther 2:15
  6. I wear His Mercy and His Truth in my heart and around my neck. God sees me and shows me Favor in His sight, and I am given favor by all men. Proverbs 3:3
  7. I honor my parents. Subjecting myself to my parents' will when I live with them is an ornament of grace. Proverbs 1:8, 9 (Acknowledging that God is My Heavenly Father means that He is also my parent. Therefore, when I subject my will to His will, and humble myself to Him, this is an ornament of Grace to Him)
  8. I choose to obey God's laws and wills for my life and not man's laws when they go against God's authority. By making it known publicly, God will reward me with gifts according to my abilities and talents. Daniel 1:8, 17
  9. I understand what the will of The Lord is. I am wise in His Word. Ephesians 5:17
  10. I have allowed myself to be filled with The Holy Spirit in excess. Ephesians 5:18
  11. I don't worry about any thing. I just pray to Him and thank Him; God gives me real peace through Jesus. Philippians 4:6, 7
  12. I clothe myself with the Mercy Qualities of His Son, Jesus: Compassion, Kindness, Generosity; Humility of mind=think of others before self; Meekness=Strength to be still, quiet in the face of adversity; Unending Patience. Colossians 3:12
  13. I forgive as Christ has forgiven me. Tolerating people like Christ tolerates me in His infinite Love. Colossians 3:13
  14. And over all of the Qualities which adorn my heart and my attitude, I cover myself with Jesus Christ, His Son, Who is The Bond of Perfection on me: Agape-unconditional, no-strings-attached, enduring, ever-forgiving, ever lasting, from time before time until time is no more- Love. Colossians 3:14
  15. I allow Peace, the Peace of God, to rule in my heart, for I am the Body of Christ, for which I am thankful. Colossians 3:15

This   This Makes Me Beautiful to God
  1. I allow God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to live in me fully and completely. Teaching me His Wisdom by His Word, which is alive in me. Whereby we are exhorted to teach and admonish one another in or through music and spiritual songs: singing with Grace in our hearts to praise The Lord. Colossians 3:16
  2. I do all that I do in Jesus' Name and while I work/labor in Jesus' Name, I have a thankful attitude, spirit, which is ever present because God is ever with me. I thank Him for every thing for He is my God and my Father. Colossians 3:17
  3. I have a submissive heart in my marriage. I submit not only my body, but my authority as a wife, a mom, self, to my husband, for he is my authority. He covers me with himself by his words and his actions, as Representative of Christ, Who covers His Bride with Himself: Christ is her glory. And by my decision to submit myself and every thing about me to my husband, this pleases God. Colossians 3:18, 19 and Ephesians 5:22-33
  4. Respect and Honor are given to my parents for this pleases The Lord. If I were to live again with them, then I would be subject to their authority: their rules and their laws would have to be obeyed, even if I am already an adult. Colossians 3:20
  5. I keep myself sexually pure. Even though most of us Christian women do not have sex outside of our marriages, some still flirt, some 'booty-watch', some indulge themselves with sexually explicit literature and movies [whether made for tv or on screen]. We are sanctified and set apart from the world, for we are called by God to be holy. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7. 1 Peter 1:15, 16. Exodus 19:5, 6. 1 Kings 8:53 I am God's inheritance, therefore, because He is holy, I too, must be holy.
  6. I mind my own business and I don't gossip. I do my job quietly that I might walk in my integrity and be a blessing even to they who are watching me. By taking this action, God is able to bless me and meet all my needs. 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12
  7. I pray for those in authority over me, whether it is my boss or my government, for this pleases God, and draws people to Him seeking His salvation and direction. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
  8. God has saved me, called me, not because of what I can do, but because of what God has done, and will continue to do, through me and in me. His purpose and His will is being accomplished in me in Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 1:9
  9. I am patient. I establish-build up, am rooted into-my heart in Christ, for His return is near. James 5:8
  10. A meek and quiet spirit is an ornamental quality pleasing to God. For the treasures of my heart are not corruptible; they neither fade nor can be destroyed. My attitude towards my husband, when described as such, not only please God, but God says I am priceless in my submission to my husband's authority. 1 Peter 3:4

This Makes Me Beautiful To God
  1. Be of one mind: the mind of Christ; showng compassion to all. Love each other like family. Be kind and gracious. Be a blessing to everyone you meet. Deceive not, nor make trouble for anyone. The Lord hears only the prayers of the righteous; all others He will turn against. And I want God to hear my prayers. 1 Peter 3:8-12
  2. I sanctify The Lord God in my heart. I am always ready to give answer for what I believe and why to everyone who asks, speaking with strength and honor, in reverence to my God. 1 Peter 3:15
  3. I live in love. Therefore, because I know and believe, and have confessed with my mouth that Jesus Christ is The Son of God, then God lives in me. Because I love with God's love, it is known to God that I live in Him, also. 1 John 4:15, 16
  4. I am beloved of God; my faith, my holy faith, is built up in Him. I pray in The Holy Ghost, in the love of God, watching for the Mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will bring me into eternal life. Interceding on behalf of others for their salvation. Jude 20-23
  5. I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Regardless of what is happening in the world around me, I am content and at peace, because I have a Savior Who has overcome the world around me. Nothing in this world can separate me from the love of God. It matters not what the enemy brings against me to try to destroy my faith and my works of faith; for The Holy Spirit of God strengthens me and prevents me from falling out of Grace. Philippians 4:11. 1 John 4:4-14.
  6. I have a sound mind, it is a gift of God. God has also given me the spirit of love and the spirit of power. I control my thoughts and keep them under submission to The Word of God. I have learned from my elders in The Word and The Gospel; receiving from them and observing their actions: therefore, The God of Peace is with me. 2 Timothy 1:7 and Philippians 4:8, 9



Friday, November 2, 2012

Grace, Peace and Mercy Unto You

Grace. Peace. Mercy.
The blessing of Grace and Peace were sent by Paul to the churches he writes to. The blessing of Grace, Peace and Mercy were in the letters he wrote to individuals: Timothy and Philemon, young men in their faith, both of whom he loved as sons, though genealogically they were not related. And in his letter to Philemon, his friend. But each letter wherein Paul sent these blessings indicated that the blessings were not from him, but from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
What is it about these three blessings that made it necessary for Paul to include them in his salutations to the churches and these young men. Perhaps it was the very fact that they were all young. Churches sprang up where followers of Christ gathered. And then, as now, where people are gathered, personalities are gathered. Not all of them meshed; some clashed.
Grace contains within its very essence unlimited forgiveness, unconditional love and the ability to withstand attacks, both within and without the Christian Church. Peace beyond understanding requires faith that this peace is possible when more than a handful of people are in the same room together. It is not a lack of noise that is peace. It is the fact that all the noise around you does not affect you adversely, for your peace is not in people, but in Christ Jesus. Mercy extended to each other is an act of compassion on the part of the one extending it. It is also to be received with joy and not with anger.
Charity in its full extent, and by its very nature, is a good thing to have within the church and the home. For remember, the letters being written are to churches and to two homes. Three, actually; for Onesimus was leaving his home with Paul ( to return to Philemon who held his bond) as a slave delivered from slavery to Paul to be a slave in another home. For though he was free in Christ, he was not free from his enslavement. But Paul was asking Philemon to receive Onesimus as a brother, a friend, one who is not to be in bondage any longer. That's mercy. That's grace. That's peace. Sent to Paul to minister to his needs by Philemon, Onesimus in the service Paul received Christ as his Lord and Savior. And with his soul set free, Paul desired to see his earthly bonds also broken. As an act of faith, he sent him back to Philemon, with the full expectation that Onesimus would be received with joy and deliverance.
Where is this in our homes today? Or our churches? We are divided. We are split. We are cut asunder. But not by the Sword of God, by our own tongues, which are sharper than any blade. For the tongue both wounds and kills. Churches break. Homes wreck. If Grace is extended only to families and friends, we are not really Christians at all. We blend with the world. If Peace is not self-evident in our personal life, how can we expect to have it within our churches or our homes? The hand of Mercy has been spat on, stomped on and bitten; more than once or twice, within the walls of the church and the home.
Jealousy is the result of self-pride and self-justification. It raises itself above the many to promote the one. Pride is ugly. It is pride that consumed Lucifer and caused him to be disgraced; his heart was filled with self-glorification and self-edification. When one within the home or the church, sees the blessings bestowed on another, pride offends, but grace glorifies. Grace heals the broken heart; but if the heart refuses to be broken, then Peace and Mercy cannot be extended and all will be lost. The church falters and the home wobbles.
It is not my grace. It is not my peace. It is not my mercy which is extended to you. It is the Grace, Peace and Mercy of God our Father, and of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Divine Grace covers all sins. Divine Peace mends the broken-hearted. Divine Mercy fellowships the wounded souls. Let us bring ourselves back to the altars in our churches and repent of our wickedness of heart and mind to God, seeking His forgiveness for allowing such to invade our churches. Let us raise up altars to God for God's purpose within our homes, that our homes may receive these three blessings once more.
We must tear down the altars of self-gratification within our churches and our homes. You may say no such altar exists within our church or our homes. But you say this in error. For within the church has risen an idol that none did not expect to be there. Self-righteousness declares that one church is greater than another; it declares that one child is above another. A church is a meeting place for followers of Christ, who both come together to bring an offering of worship to God and have prepared their hearts to receive from God by hearing and obeying God's message to them. A family is joined together at the head by God and all children are loved equally by their parents.
This argument was settled by Jesus when the disciples argues about who was the greatest. We need to go back and see how this was settled then and do the same now. What did Jesus say to the disciples when they were arguing amongst themselves about who was greater? Throughout the New Testament, within the New Covenant, we are reminded by Christ, again and again, that we are to treat each other the same. The leader who would lead must first serve others and not himself. None is greater than the other. None is better than the other. All have gifts uniquely qualifying that person to be in that positiion in which they are in within the church and within the home. And each brings his or her gifts and talents into the home or church to which one has been called to minister within.
"Love one another as I have loved you." Self-sacrificing. Meeting others' needs before meeting one's own. All are welcome in the Father's house, especially the children who come looking for Jesus. All are loved and shown love. All are worthy and unworthy. All have sinned and been found unrighteous. But all are welcome. Hospitality at the hands of the church is a fundemental requirement to succeed in growing the church, and or churches, over which one is held accountable for. You cannot grow a church or a home, if love is not in either. Real love. True love. Love that can stand the hard times and withstand the storms of life. Agape love.
And in this agape love, there lives three additional blessings: Grace. Peace. Mercy. From God our Father, and The Lord Jesus Christ. To you.

from your servant in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and God the Father from Whom all blessings flow,


Thursday, November 1, 2012

An Innocent Man

     An innocent man died the other day. A mock trial was held. The prosecutors produced witnesses who committed perjury. The defendant was not allowed a line of defense and no lawyer would take his case. He was held without bail and was not given the opportunity to call home nor anyone who would plead his case for him. At the time of his arrest he was with his friends; all of whom disappeared and could not be found to be held as co-defendants.

     His accusers in this mock trial smacked him in the face and spit on him, taunting him with their statements. Though he was oft asked who it was that he believed to be hitting him, he never replied, which set off their blood-lust even more against him. In a matter of hours he was brought before a judge who believed him to be innocent but condemned him anyway because of the uproar of the crowd who believed him to be guilty.

     He was taken by the guards who amused themselves at his expense. A leather whip, whose laces were studded with shards of glass and sharp metal, was repeatedly used on him. Sharp spikes were imbedded forcefully into his head, causing his swollen face to become, if possible, even more bloody and unbearable to look upon. They mocked his stature in the surrounding communities and pretended to be in awe of him.

     Forced to carry the method by which he would be slain, his weary and beaten body gave out beneath the physical and emotional weight of it. Some poor soul was taken from the crowds that lined the streets to carry it for him. Removing his clothes, they attached the him him to the hanging tree with metal studs; whereupon they began to gamble for his clothes, for they were very handsome, though he no longer was.

     Made fun of in life, he was allowed no release from this in his death. And anyone who wanted to was allowed to watch his execution. Most were relieved. But his poor Mom had to watch him suffer and die, too. Some of his friends watched him die and he asked one of them to take care of his Mom later, which he did. But when he had died, the excitement of the day died down and everyone just walked away.

     How could this happen in any civilized culture? No lawyer, no line of defense, no way out. Unless he denied everything he was accused of; yet, how could he when it was all true?


Matthew 26:56-68; 27:1-50. Mark 14:50-65; 15:1-37. Luke 22:39-71; 23:1-49. John 18 & 19. Isaiah 53.