My Songs

Things are not always what they seem. What you see with your eyes, you believe to be so with your mind. But it is what you do not see, that the thing which you see before you  appears to be, is indeed another. Hebrews 11:3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by The Word of God, so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."

On this page you will find poetry which I have written. When indicated, such writings will be made known to you that these are lyrics to a song. A song given to me by God. Sometimes He wakes me up in the middle of the night. Sometimes He whispers in my heart, when I have been in His presence in His sanctuary. When possible, I will try to write where I was and what I was doing when the song was written.

All the music and melodies for these songs are in my heart. Were I to keep them only in my head, they would be lost, for my remembrances are not what they used to be: forgetfulness plagues me. When I was a child, I wrote stories and poems. But when I was baptized in The Holy Spirit, I received a fresh anointing of grace from God: a volcanic explosion of music erupted from within me and I began to sing a new heavenly language. While I can now speak in a tongue unknown on earth, for awhile all I could do was sing in it. And many times this new language was translated into new songs, songs which pleased God.


Imagine if you will a volcano that erupts into blue musical notes instead of fire and ash. It is not molten lava which makes its way down the side of the mountain; now it is musical stanzas. Part of the flow becomes a permanent fall, but it is neither water nor lava which form the fall's downpour: it is music. While the mountain rests and the volcano appears to sleep, it is merely building momentum until another song erupts and spills down into the valley, into the falls, into the hearts of all who hear.

Stanzas, notes, interludes, words, Scripture, prayers are interwoven into the fabric of each song. You see poetry. I see God's hand at work. You see lines of verse. I see prophecy and remembrance: what is to come, what has already been and what is now. You will see yourself. I have been brought face to face with myself, with my failures and my realities. Through it all, I have seen God take my life, building it up anew from where it was, to where I stand now and leading me to the places where I will go when He directs my steps.

You see words and hear nothing.
I see lyrics and hear everything. I hear the band. I dance with my Lord. I walk in sunlit valleys and climb tree dotted mountains. I sail new seas with bright lit sails and flags flying. I go where the song goes. And, perhaps, just perhaps, you will, too.

And now, it is time to share them on here also, knowing that this, too, pleases God.

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