Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Generation of The Lord

The Generation of the Lord

  • A chosen generation: 1 Peter 2:9
  • Who shall declare His generation? : Isaiah 53:8 & Acts 8:33
  • His mercy is on them that fear Him from generation to generation: Luke 1:50
  • Generation of light: Luke 11:29-36 & Luke 16:8
  • God is in the generation of the righteous: Psalm 14:5
  • A generation of service by the will of God: Acts 13:36
  • Generation that fears the Lord: Psalm 22:23-31
  • Generation that is accounted to the Lord: Psalm 22:30
  • The generation that seeks Him, seeks His face: Psalm 24:6
  • We are the generation to come: Psalm 78:4, 6

~The word given me while praying after I read the Book of Ezra:
There is one generation and it is the generation of them who seek the Lord. Who seek Him, His laws and His statutes; that the Word of the Lord would be known and taught to those who do not know Him.
It is the generation of those who love the Lord; who love His Word and seek to do His will accordingly. We are that generation.
Not chronological, a generation of years; but spiritual, a generation of belief. Not calculated by time, but by faith: faith in the power of the Word of God.
It is the generation of them who seek His face; who desire to be in his presence. It is the generation of they who desire to obey His Word; who have counted the cost and are willing to pay it.
It is the generation of repentant hearts; those who humble themselves before God.
It is the generation of submission and surrender: submitting to God's Word and surrendering to God's will. For God is holy and nothing unholy can be in His presence. Darkness flees; for the light of God's glory fills our hearts and our minds. We submit our hearts to obedience, we obey His Word. We surrender our will and our desire to His will and His desire. Why? Because we are the generation of them who seek His face. ~

     And, as I study after receiving this, I am made aware that this generation began in the beginning and will not cease until the end. It is the generation of believers in the Almighty God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days. He Who wrote the laws and desires our obedience in love.
     This generation is a righteous generation, not of ourselves, but of the righteousness of Christ which is upon us. We wear Him like armor. We clothe ourselves in Him, for Christ is our Righteousness.
      We are the generation that fear Him: revere and respect Him. He is Faithful and True; Redeemer and Friend. His love for His people shines through us: our eyes see Him and magnify Him to nations who do not know Him. We are the light that shines in the darkness: declaring the Word of the Lord to those who are hungry to hear and receive it.
     This generation is a generation of servitude, not only to God and for God, but to God's people for God's glory. We do not seek to raise ourselves up, but to raise up the name of Jesus Christ, that the salvation of the Lord is at hand and reaching out to all. We praise the name of the Lord for He is gracious and slow to anger, longsuffering and merciful to those who call on His name. This generation works in the field of the Lord. His servants are few, but the work is great. Our hands are busy doing what needs to be done; our hearts are busy, seeking the salvation of the lost souls, in constant prayer for them.
     We are the generation that loves with the love of the Lord. It is a love that transcends time and space. This love, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, is for all people. With a love that shows mercy to all, regardless of ethnicity or generation of life. It is a love that forgives and forgives and forgives without number. God is righteous and just; His mercy endures forever. We exhibit that mercy; we forgive without number; we love without prejudice.
     This generation is the Lord's generation. We are accounted to Him and accountable to Him. We are of Abraham's seed: we believe that what God says He will do He does. We believe God's Word is holy. We believe God's Word is true. We believe God's Word is faithful: time and time again He has proven just how much He loves us. This generation multiplies to the number of the stars and the sands of the sea shore (Genesis 22:17).
     We are the chosen generation. We are called out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9); to shine forth the Light of Christ. He designates us a royal priesthood: serving Him in His house, breaking bread with His people, worshiping wholeheartedly and with great joy. Praying for the needs of His people and the salvation of the lost souls.
     As His chosen generation, we are a holy nation. And as such, we are to live a life of abstinence from lust (v. 11), speak honestly (v. 12), submit to the laws of the land (v. 13,14) for the Lord's sake. Living freely in God's service (v. 16). Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king (authority) (v. 17).
     This generation is called to suffer (18-25). With Christ as our example, this generation is to be obedient unto God by following Jesus' attitude when it came to being obedient unto death (1 Corinthians 4:10-14; 2 Corinthians 1:5; Philippians 1:5). Happy is the generation that partakes of the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:13, 14). Blessed are the persecuted for His sake: great is their reward (Matthew 5:10-12). The entire chapter of 1 Peter 4 emphasizes what has been laid out in this message: in order to be named in this generation, the generation of the Lord, we are to live the life Christ lived: follow in His way and obey His Word, choosing to suffer for His sake and reaping the glory which God will reveal in His time.
     We are a generation of prophets, teachers, evangelists, preachers, apostles;miracle-workers, healers, governments, tongues and interpreters, helpers (1 Corinthians 12:28). We are a generation of servant leaders. We follow Jesus Christ and we lead people to Christ, which makes us both followers and leaders. This is my generation.