Showing posts with label John 3:16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 3:16. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Lord is Savior - - First Sunday in December



TO: The World



John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. 

There's more to this life than just living it. We have been given the opportunity to live it (1) Eternally with God and His Christ; (2) Abundantly in Christ; (3) Fully in The Spirit of God. 

Though death tarnishes life with its shadow, we need to remember that that is all  death is to the believer: a shadow. Shadows have no power, they are merely a whisper of passage through which the Son shines. David wrote in Psalm 23, "Yes, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me." He knew that The LORD was with him at all times throughout his days because he made the decision to TRUST GOD. 

We have been given a glorious gift (John 1:14) and it is our decision whether or not we open it and receive it or just leave it under the tree, the cross. For everyone will eventually make their way to the cross of Christ; some will see and believe, some will glance and walk away, some will mock the cross and what it stands for. It is the few who believe The Word of God and receive The Christ of God that will forever be changed by The Power of God. 

There is no RTS (return to sender) on this package. The Word tells us that God's Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11): His Word accomplishes Its mission. This may seem like a hard thing to hear but its just as hard to write: not all seed will root. But The Word has gone forth and it is still in accomplish-mode. There is still time to come back to the cross and really see what God allowed His Son to go through. You woke up this morning and you managed to crawl out of bed. God gave you another day. Thank Him for that. 

Thank You, Lord, for this new day which You have given me. Thank You for the opportunity to glorify You and bless You. Help me to accomplish Your purpose in me. Have Your Way in my life today. For I have given You my heart and my mind and my life. You are my everything and without You I know that I am nothing. As the song says, In You I live and move and have my being. 

Thank You, Lord, for saving me. When I was lost and undone, You found me at just the right time. I was that lost sheep You went looking for and I'm so glad You picked me up and carried me back to where You knew I needed to be. Thank You for writing Your Word on my heart and filling me today with a new infusion of Your Holy Spirit. For without these I accomplish nothing on my own. I'm just a lump of clay waiting for the potter's hand to transform me. 

I praise You. My soul blesses You. In You I live and love. Make me a blessing to You and for You today. 

In Jesus' Name, Amen.