Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thanks Be To God - - For His Songs


Psalm 42:8
Yet the LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. 

*Strong's Ex. Conc. No. 7893
His Song: worship song, lyrics with musical instruments
From the Hebrew word 'shiyr' (pronounced sheer)
Used 90 times in the Old Testament

There are many styles of music making, even in the hearts of God's people. Music is from God and music given back to God glorifies God when it comes from deep within a worshipful heart. Who defines what a worshipful heart is? God, of course. For only God can see a person's heart; therefore, only God can determine whether or not the song being sung belongs to Him. Who are we to judge which songs are worthy to sing or write; which instruments can be used to make music?

But His Song, His Song is the song we sing when we declare His Name, when we proclaim His deliverance; when we testify of His saving Grace. His Song is the song we write when the Spirit comes upon us and moves us to write words which come from our hearts and not just our minds. Sometimes His Songs are written by one person, sometimes His Songs  are created on a collaborative basis. I've done both. 

This word 'shiyr' could refer to both His Song and His Singers, His Choir of Worshippers. God pours Himself into us (Romans 5:5) through His Holy Spirit and we shout out, cry out, sing aloud with everything within us back to Him. 

What a mighty God we serve! A God who looked on us and had compassion towards us, so much so that He took His Word, as only God can do, and wrapped it in flesh and bone; and called It "Jesus" because this Word is the Word of Salvation: 
Matthew 1:21 "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”

This HOLY JESUS is why we sing the songs we write about Him. This HOLY GOD is why we sing the songs we write for Him. This HOLY SPIRIT is why we welcome the presence of the LORD into our hearts, our lives, our churches, our sanctuaries. 

I love to sing. I love to write. But it is God who creates His Songs in me. It is God who receives glory and honor and praise from me. There is no other Name worth worshiping. 

No other Name died for us. No other Name took our sins upon Himself and became sin for us. No other Name could ever love us as much as God loves us. No other Name has God honored by raising Him up and setting this JESUS on high! His Songs resound throughout the whole world, though many have tried, and still try, to silence His Songs. But His Name will prevail and overcome. 

Dear God,
Thank You for the gift of music. Thank You for creating it and giving it to us. Thank You for giving us Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, for washing my sins away through the blood of Your Lamb, as John stated. Thank You for forgiving me and making me holy by the power of Your Holy Spirit. 
You are eternal, God. You are my God forever and ever. I am Your child, Your servant, Your friend. Continue to guide me and lead me through Your Word. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might overflow and bless those around me. 
May they see this Name, JESUS, when they see me and know that You are near. Open the eyes of the blind that they may see You. Tender the hardened hearts and break them open for You. Whatever it takes. 
In Jesus' Priceless Name, I pray,

Name Above All Names by Eddie James

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