Friday, January 18, 2013

The Application of Sin And The Application of The Blood

Jesus is the friend of sinners. But aren't sinners what most people avoid going anywhere near? After all, I'm not a sinner. None of my friends are sinners. There are no sinners in church; church is for religious nuts and Bible-thumpers. Sinners are people who disobey the law and get sent to jail once caught, right? Um, no. Well, then, what is a sinner?

Sin has such a stronghold on the one committing the sin, that the sinner is usually unaware that what they are doing or saying is sin. God's Word says that the one who knows the right thing to do, and doesn't do it, is a sinner. Sin is revealed in the unveiling of the Ten Commandments written by God. But the veil of sin which covers a person's heart hides what sins are lying in it. It is the deception perpetuated by the deceiver of deceivers: Satan, the devil, Lucifer.

Ultimately, sin will destroy the sinner, if the sins are not dealt with accordingly, as stated in God's Word. Sin is disobedience to God; it is rebellion against God. Atheists, for one, disbelieve God's existence; this is sin. Calling He Who Is as if He were not is to deny God's authority and might. Tantamount to calling God a liar, atheism and agnosticism promote themselves over God. This is what Lucifer did in God's heaven. The angelic creation which God designated Lucifer dared to put himself above God; he took his eyes, his focus, off of God and put his sights on himself. Seeing the beauty with which God had covered him, he declared himself to be the one who should rule instead of God. There was war in heaven; Lucifer lost and was thrown to the earth. Eventually, his destination is hell. There, too, will they go who deny God in life; for there are no second chances, no opportunities after death, to change your mind on this matter.

Breaking one commandment requires a person to break all of them. You cannot keep one commandment and break all the rest and expect to be found not guilty. You cannot keep all but one commandment and hope nobody notices. God's Word is pure and holy: all of it. You cannot change what God has said just to make yourselves look good. If you are going to apply The Word of God to your life, not only do you have to do so on this side of the grave, but you have to apply the WHOLE Word of God to your life.

For The Word of God is Jesus Christ. By choosing Jesus Christ as Lord, we apply Him to our hearts, where He washes away our sin with His blood and covers us completely with Himself. We apply The Holy Spirit to our thoughts and our minds, where He begins to do a new work in us, transforming this body of flesh into a body that has surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We have the mind of Christ; we are sane and in our right mind. We have the heart of God: to see all mankind saved from the destruction of rebellion and sin. We have knees that bend; in prayer when we seek out God to speak with Him and hear Him speak to us. We have hands that serve the needs of the body of Christ. We have beautiful feet which carry the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ into the world around us.

Repentance is a 180-degree turn from sin. It is more than remorse, it is a desire to stop giving sin control in your heart and your mind and your life. Repentance of sin is more than a casual "I'm Sorry" or a sincere "I truly apologize". It is a breaking of the heart, allowing unrighteousness and wickedness an escape into the blood of Jesus Christ, which has been applied to your hearts when you accept Him into it and say out loud that you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is the beginning of your new life in Christ. Without repentance of sin, there is no forgiveness for sin. You must repent of your sins in order to be forgiven for committing the sins you have done. It is The Holy Spirit who will reveal sin to you through The Word of God, both by the reading of His Word and by the believing of His Word. Then you will know what is sin in your life.

Though not everyone suffers from the same sin strongholds, everyone can receive forgiveness for any and all sins, when the person repents of that sin and surrenders that now empty place in the heart and mind to God. And though some people choose to set level values on what sin is worse or less, no one sin is worse than the other. All are sin in God's eyes and all sinners will be judged for their sins, regardless of their status.

Our souls are eternal; the seat of our emotions, our will and our thoughts will live forever; this body will turn to dust and fade away, but our souls will survive. Where our souls survive depends solely on our choice to #1: declare Jesus Christ is Lord or #2: turn away from Jesus Christ. Don't turn away; I beg you: this is the day of your salvation. We love you so much that we cannot see you turn Him away, and so we pray for your salvation. We pray to God and intercede with Him on your behalf that salvation would be yours, that your heart would be tender towards receiving The Word of God on your ears and in your hearts. We pray daily and sometimes throughout the night, as The Spirit of God leads, for your ultimate healing: the salvation of your souls.

You are the reason God is refraining Himself from destroying this earth with fire. You are in God's heart, but you are not in His Word; and so, He waits. Eventually, the time will come when He can wait no longer. For the blood of the saints, who have been slain for His name, cries out to Him. And He will answer; even if you are not ready for His return.

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