Monday, February 1, 2021

Seeker Seeking Mercy



Psalm 25:15-16

My eyes are always on the LORD, for He will free my feet from the mesh. Turn to me and be gracious, for I am lonely and afflicted.

When the enemy of our souls lays a trap to try and snare us in his clutches, God will surely make a way for us to escape.

Psalm 119:32

Turn to me and show me mercy, as You do to those who love Your name.

God will show favor to we  who seek Him and deliver us out of the traps/snares. Why? Because of His great love for us, because His mercy endures for ever. The Bible tells me so: Psalm 136.

Isaiah 55:6

Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. 

"Call on Him while He is near" for the time will come when He is no longer near. Though God is always near the believer, He will not always be near enough to the unbeliever to hear his cries for deliverance and mercy. 

"To day is the day of your salvation." To day is the only day to answer God's call on your heart and life, because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Don't wait, don't hesitate, don't delay. 

The love of God has been extended to us through His mighty right arm, "the right hand of His righteousness", Jesus Christ. 

Faith is believing the impossible, the improbable. Who but God can turn His Word into a baby who would grow up to be a Savior for the whole world? No one. Improbable. Impossible. And, yet. God did.