Saturday, November 7, 2020

It Is Time For Us To Rise



Son, go and bring My children home;

It is time for them to rise.

It is time to fetch Your bride,

Go bring her now to be at Your side.

(drums here)

It is time! It is time for us to rise!

Here He comes To take His bride! 

It is time! It is time for us to rise,

Here Jesus comes to take His bride.

(piano here)

O, Holy Spirit, walk with us

Bring us to our Bridegroom’s love.

O, Holy Spirit, speak through us,

As we gather at God’s throne above.

(drums here)

It is time! It is time for us to rise!

Here He comes To take His bride! 

It is time! It is time for us to rise,

Here Jesus comes to take His bride.

But it was only a dream

A dream I keep dreaming

O how my heart longs for that day!

Jesus, I’m calling from a well deep within

The love that is crying out for You

Is more than I can bear

But it was only a dream…..

Before that day 

Before that hour

The Spirit of God 

And the bride of Christ

Call to the lost who wander in darkness

“Come to the cross”.

Before it is time to rise,

"Come to the cross."

O come to the cross,

And be satisfied.