Sunday, July 28, 2019

Grace Reasoned

I am still going through all my journals, finding tidbits and nuggets, before I decide if I am going to throw them out. Like this one, for instance, sandwiched between empty pages:


One day I went to Jesus,
Finally face to face.
He looked me right in the eye
And said, "What do ya think about grace?"

And I said,
"Cover me, Lord,
Wash away my sin;
Pardon me, Lord,
I am a sinful man.
Cover me, Lord, 
Make me whiter than snow.
That's what I think about 
Grace, Lord,
Living this life here below."

Also written is the day/night: Wednesday evening at 9:30 p.m. So, I am thinking that perhaps I wrote this after a Wednesday evening Bible Study. I don't remember the lesson, but it must have made an impact on me in such a way, that The Holy Spirit gave me this to write. The timing is right to reveal it, as the subject of Grace and what it is has been on my heart.