Thursday, July 2, 2015

Questions God Asks-Genesis 3

I started this study 3 1/2 years ago and I am still only half way through it. But if I don't start sharing it now, I may never get to.

I began studying Questions God Asks because I was ruminating on how many times we ask God questions, our reasons for asking and His replies to us. And I wondered, "Does God ask questions of us? And if He does, how many times has God asked us a question and what is the answer to the questions that He asks?

So, I went digging through my Bible. The best place to start any search is the beginning; to Genesis I went then. Herein is my study and prelude to study.

1. How many questions does God ask, as related in the Scriptures, and what are those questions?

2. Why are the questions asked?

3. What is the implication, if any, behind the questions being asked?

God does not ask rhetorical questions. Every question asked demands an answer. Every answer leads to a result. This three-phase conversation has an implication in life. It is as if every question God has asked then, He is asking now.

Q1. Genesis 3:9 And The LORD GOD called unto Adam, saying, 'Where are you?'
A. The question is asked because God could not see Adam, for sin was upon Adam because he disobeyed God. God is holy and as such cannot look upon sin, for sin is unholy.

Q2,3. Genesis 3:11 And He said, 'Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat of the tree, whereof I commanded you not to?'
A. Adam's response was to blame the woman which God had given him.

Q4. Genesis 3:13 And The LORD GOD said to the woman, 'What have you done?'
A. Eve blamed the serpent.

Man's first response when confronted with his sin is to deny responsibility and blame others for his own errors.

But God holds us accountable for our actions and our words.

The first question God asks us, He asks because He yearns for our companionship. He longs to walk with us, speak with length with us. God desires to know us intimately. He loves us and wants to spend time with us.

And, yes, because of our inclination to yield to sin and temptation,we are covered in darkness, cloaked with deception and wickedness. It is because we are unable in and of ourselves to atone for our unrighteousness, that Christ was given as our sacrificial Lamb. It is He who covers us with Himself, that God may once again look on us.

I must ask myself, can God see me? Yes, I know He can, for the blood of His Son Jesus Christ has washed away my sins. I am forgiven for I have repented before God and acknowledged that I was a sinner. In His infinite mercy God forgave me, Christ came to live in me via The Holy Spirit and every day I grow a little bit closer to God through Jesus Christ.

Then I can turn to you and ask the same question: Can God see you?