Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Lord is Like A Green Fir Tree


Hosea 14:8
Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him: I am like a green fir tree. From Me is thy fruit found.

    The blessings of God are found in God. The repentant soul has turned its back on the idols which it had created (vs. 1-3) and finds itself now in the covering, the branches, of The Lord God. Though under His wings we are sheltered (Psalm 91:4), under His branches we find ourselves being nourished and strengthened and protected (Ezekiel 17:23; Matthew 13:32). 
    It is our Faith, our Trust, in God Himself that keeps us under His branches. It is more than knowing what He can do for us, what we have seen Him do in us and around us: it is being aware of and completely enthralled with Him because we KNOW beyond a  shadow of a doubt that THE LORD GOD LOVES US. 
    We know because we have heard the gospel of salvation through JESUS CHRIST and we have believed that it is TRUE. We know because we who believe in The Name of The LORD for our salvation have seen the chains of addiction fall away from us. We have seen alcoholics delivered, not just recovering. We have seen the chains of sexual immorality broken and cast aside because the BLOOD of God's perfect Lamb has washed away the stains of sin and the chains with which we were bound are no more. 
     We are so totally enamored of our LORD GOD that we have chosen to follow Him anywhere He leads us. We are aware of danger on every side (Psalm 23:4,5), yet we have set our hearts on Him knowing He walks with us. Our mouths open and we speak THE WORD which our GOD has placed in our hearts to bring THE GOOD NEWS, GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY, to all who seek the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness. For all who truly seek will surely find and all who find will be saved, delivered, filled and join the army of God, which moves on its knees. 
    There is room for everyone under this mighty tree which God has raised up. For it is not the tree itself which is mighty, but He who once hung on a tree. Under that tree is room for all who believe that He Who died on the cross, the tree of humiliation, is the only begotten Son of God, Whom God chose to fulfill His plan of salvation for all mankind to receive. The only ones not under that tree are the ones who choose not to believe that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. 
    There's room under that tree for a wretch like me and there's room under that tree for you.