Showing posts with label understanding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label understanding. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Today's Word -- Inherent Nature

 Proverbs 2:6 
For the LORD gives wisdom: out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. 

We are all born with an inherent knowledge of good and evil thanks to Adam and Eve's decision to disobey God. "No" is one of the first words we learn to say after we learn our caregivers names, "Mama", "Dada", or in my son Brian's case, "Dani" (his sister). And we learn when to say 'No': when we want something we can't or shouldn't have and when we want to do something we should or shouldn't do. It's our nature. 

The same logic is applied when we become born-again Christians. We learn what is good and what is evil. We learn to walk in the Spirit. We learn to talk in the Spirit. We learn to read God's Word with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Especially when we have good leaders to lead us and guide us through God's Word; leaders we look up to and find ourselves following after. 

As this verse in Proverbs 2:6 states, wisdom, knowledge and understanding come from God. And it is to God we must turn to in order to receive each one and apply them to our lives as His children. No longer are we under sin's command, now we are under God's command. And His command is love. Our new nature is very different from our old nature. Before, we always said 'No' and justified according to our desires. Now, we say 'Yes' and are justified by grace according to God's desires for us. We live in His love and can only grow and thrive in His love as long as we remain in His love, His Word. 

Wisdom is Applied. 
Knowledge is Gained.
Understanding is Growth.

Our new nature seeks after God in His Word and in prayer with Him; that's how we hear from Him. This new inherent nature is through Christ living in us: we are new creations in Him. 
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 

We are new creations in Christ when we believe that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, that He died on the cross in our place, rose from the dead and walked out of the grave into newness of life and is seated at the right hand of the Father Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Monday, September 23, 2019

Today's Thought From The Word - Discernment

Synonyms are words that better aid in knowing what a word means and how to use that word. Some synonyms for Discernment would be:
The Bible tells us that 'to discern' is to understand; consider carefully, gain understanding; pay close attention to; investigate. So, let's investigate.

The dictionary tells us that 'to discern' is to be able to distinguish one object from another, whether that object is intellectual knowledge or physical knowledge. 
For example, intellectual knowledge is the ability to make decisions based on what we know. While physical knowledge is how we obtain what we know through the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. 
We can discern what is right from what is wrong through obtained wisdom, which an only be found in the Bible, the Holy Scriptures. Wisdom comes from God and we need only ask for it. As Solomon did when he became King of Israel and had this conversation with God, so to speak:
God: "What shall I give you? Ask."
Solomon: "Give me an understanding heart, that I may judge Your people, that I may discern between good and bad."
God, who was pleased with Solomon's request, replied: "Because you asked for this and not long life, nor riches for yourself, nor the lives of your enemies, I will give you wisdom and so much more."

We are living in uncertain times and we need this same wisdom that King Solomon asked for. We need to be able to discern the times in which we live and make wise choices, judgments, for ourselves. Knowing right from wrong, common sense from crazy  sense.
God also promised Solomon that if he would walk in God's ways, keep God's statutes and commandments, then God would also lengthen his days. This promise is for us, too. We need to walk in God's ways, keep God's commandments and live accordingly. However this cannot be done on our strength. We need Christ in our hearts to bring us to God and we need the Holy Spirit in our hearts to make us presentable, holy, that we might stay for ever in God's presence. All we have to do is ASK.
And God will give us what He promises  He will give us.