Where there is life, there is growth.
Where there is growth, there is suffering.
Where there is suffering, there is pain.
Where there is pain, there is love.
As the seed begins to germinate, it pushes it's way out of the pod in two directions. The root begins to push against the pod from the inside, frantic to get out and into the ground. The ground waits for the root to enter and take hold. This gives the seed a chance to flourish and not diminish.
The sprout pushes its way through the pod and reaches for the above ground level. It seeks sunlight, air and moisture. Not without interference either.
As the seed germinates, its cries are heard by many. The insect community comes to see if perhaps this seed can be of use to them. The worms leave trace nutrients around it, giving it sustenance as it grows. The first little sprout appears above ground and many rush to either feed off of it or neutralize its growth before its barely begun.
But the seed obeys its Creator and keeps on growing, regardless of what may come. It rejoices to be of use by its Creator. And God is glorified by the seed's obedience and desire to grow.
The first leaf unfolds on the stem, the first petal wraps itself around the pollen bed; each petal thereafter wrapping around the first and so on. The rays of the Son shine upon the petals and the flower blossoms and opens. The seeds of the next generation are now available for the bees, the birds and the ants to harvest and spread across the gardens.
The seed is successful. But not without hardship. Not without pain. Not without suffering. But always with Love.