Showing posts with label Instruction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instruction. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blessed Instruction_Psalms

The King James Version reads the word instruct as chastisement, which by implication means severe criticism, harsh rebuke, as well as corporal punishment. This is not how the Word is to be applied. For the Word of God is Jesus Christ, and He is to be applied willingly to the heart, not forcefully. God's Love is Mercy and Grace; Patience and Strength. We are not to wield such Love as if it were a paddle board, nor should we be meanly spoken with it or by it.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love studying with my KJV Bible and I love reading it because I know that the Holy Spirit will reveal to me what I need to know when I need to know it. But I love studying with the Interlinear Bible, too. It tells me the Hebraic word and pronunciation, as well as the Strong's reference, and specific meaning for a word in any verse, not just a general definition or description. 

Knowing also that "blessed" when referring to man means "happy" and "to be envied", we read with a better understanding the verses in which we are to be blessed. 

Psalm 94:12 Happy and to be envied is the man whom You instruct, LORD, and out of Your law teach. 

And don't be getting all feminist on me, either. When God's Word speaks of 'man' in general, He is not excluding women: it is mankind, or man-kind (Genesis 1:27): male and female. But the Word must be applied individually. While all blessings from God to us are for each of us and all of us, we must first believe not only that God is, but that His Word is Faithful and True. Only then can we seek, search out and find how God wants to bless us. 

Once we are living the blessing life, those around us will see the difference in us. Our blessings will indeed be enviable to those folks who are in our daily lives; they're going to wonder why we are like we are and what brought about this change in us. A few may even decide they want these blessings, too. That's when we tell them about our Jesus, the Savior of all mankind, who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. Who even now is interceding on our behalf to His Father. 

Do you know what the Holy Spirit tells me, when I begin to judge the surface of a person? "I love them, too." Only God knows the heart of an individual, only God knows whether or not a person is truly saved when that person dies. It's not my place to know and I should be content with that knowledge. And, yet, occasionally I still hear the Spirit say, "I love that person, too". Contrition and humility are the catch words of the moment. I repent, am forgiven and move on. 

The second part of this verse "out of Your law to teach" means more than expounding the verse, whether personal study or teaching another. It is accusative. The Law of God reveals sin and shows us in it that it is impossible to obey said laws without the strength of God aiding us. We are taught by God that we need Him to help us obey Him. And we do. For our God is a holy God and demands us to be holy, too (Leviticus 20:7; 1 Peter 1:16).

Jesus did not abolish the law of God, He fulfilled it (Matthew 5:17). In Romans 3:31 Paul writes to the church at Rome the question of faith vs law and reminds them, and us, that our faith in Christ establishes, fulfills, upholds the law of God. Through our faith in Christ we recognize that the law of God reveals our sin and that without Him we are lost and undone. I would be lost, undone, alone and miserable if I did not know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

If you are lost, undone, alone and miserable I know Who can save you, keep you, befriend you and love you. His name is Jesus Christ. He died for you, fought death, hell and the grave for you, rose from the dead for you. And is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting to intercede for you. "I love the person reading this, too". 

Dear Jesus, 
I recognize that I am lost without You. Please forgive me of my sins, come into my heart and be Lord of my life. Guide me through Your Word as I read and study it. Holy Spirit fill me with Yourself and help me be who God wants me to be. 
In Jesus' Name,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Blessed Strength_Psalms

Blessed is the man whose strength is in You; In whose heart are the ways of them. --PSALM 84:5

Our physical strength comes from the food we put into our bodies and the physical exertion we indulge in.
But our spiritual strength comes from what we put into our hearts and how we exercise such as that may be. When we allow Christ to come into our hearts, then is The Word placed within us through the power of God's Holy Spirit.
And we exercise our faith in God when we apply this Word we have within us to the rest of our lives. By faith we live according to God's laws, God's Word and by faith we know that He is our Strength and in Him we trust.