Tuesday, August 30, 2016

When I See Jesus Face To Face

 If I die before Jesus returns, I want this sung at my funeral. Preferably with joy. Don't wear black. Wear happy colors. Release a multitude of balloons, whether the sun shines or the skies pour. When I see Jesus face to face, 'twill be a joyous celebration. Don't waste your money on flowers, either. Give that amount you wanted to spend on flora and fauna to your local homeless shelter. Feed the poor, clothe the naked, shelter the refugee.

When I see Jesus face to face, my style of burial won't matter. Don't waste your money putting me into the ground. Plain and simple or cremation is good enough. Fellowship and remember me, but grieve not for my going. Grief is what happens to us, when someone we love deeply dies. Even knowing death is coming for that person does not lessen the grieving. It is still a traumatic shock to the body and mind of the one left behind.

Mourning endures for quite awhile. We never get over the grieving and yearning, we simply get through it. Some through the bottle, some through drugs, some both; neither good ways. Some get through it in anger, some in deep depression. But some folks grieve with the help of a loving, living God. He is our mainstay through it all.

Through the sudden impact of never seeing their face again. Never hearing their laughter, nor their voice. A memory, a photo can only do so much but eventually it is enough. For awhile there may be no memories, because the grief is strong and seemingly overwhelming. But when we cry out to Jesus for help, He is right there to help us. Jesus holds our hands through every waking and sleeping moment. The Holy Spirit comforts us and guides us to stable ground, where we again can stand, and not drown in our sorrows.

When I see Jesus face to face,

my face will be all smiles.

For I am finally in this place

at the end of all my miles.

I have endured the race,

 set before me,

walking, running too

just so I could see my Friend

on the other side of the blue.

When I see Jesus face to face,

I'll know that I am home,

my tears are gone, my sorrows done

Thank God, I'm home at last.

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