Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spiritually Deaf-Mute

     This verse is one of God's many warnings to everyone. Whether you believe God or not, you should read the Bible for yourself, that you may know what God has to say to you. Do not take someone else's word for it what the Bible has to say. You and you alone are responsible for your actions and inactions. It will be noone else's fault if you choose to ignore God's message to you. Or if you should choose to disregard His calls on your life.
     You who have chosen to not answer God's calls on your life have set yourself up to receive God's wrath on your life instead of God's delight in you. You may think that what you have chosen to do with your life has gone unnoticed by God. You are wrong. God knows. God sees. The first part of this first says that GOD HAS CHOSEN YOUR DELUSIONS. You may think you are doing The Lord's work, but if you are not listening to God's direction, you are only fooling yourselves.
     Remember, God first calls us to salvation. And there are many verses, including these two, that will tell you this, if you will only listen and obey:
  • "There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved." Acts 4:12
  • "Believe on the name of Jesus Christ" 1 John 3:23
  • "Whoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:12
  • "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" John 3:3
     I have heard it said that God only calls some people to salvation and not others. THIS IS NOT TRUE. God calls everybody to salvation. Some refuse to hear the call; some hear and refuse to answer. Romans 12:28 often gets misquoted or misinterpreted: "And we know that all things wotk together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Many people omit the words 'to them that love God' with the intent to misinform you and distract you from hearing God's proper Word. I have heard people quote only the first few words 'all things work together for good' and leave the rest off because they don't want to acknowledge that this is a Bible verse. 
     God is calling you to salvation. The next verse Romans 12:29 uses the word "predestinate", which throws people off and causes them to think or say that God knows who will be saved and who will not, using this as an excuse to not believe God's Word or receive God's salvation. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Everyone is predestined by God. John 3:16 "For God so loved THE WORLD (everyone and this includes you), that He gave His only Begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER (you) believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
      All the Word of God is for everyone to read, to hear, to obey. Your choice. I can't make you do anything you don't want to do. And while God does not force anyone to salvation, it is your disobedience for not believing and not receiving that will bring about your downfall. Disobedience always has consequences in life. For instance:

  •  Driving over the speed limit gets you a ticket, which has to be paid or you will suffer even more.   
  • Cheating on your spouse (adultery) will ruin your marriage, your family and your reputation.
  • Cheating on you income tax returns will get you a penalty of a fine or fine + jail.
  • Driving without paying attention will get you a ticket for Inattentive Driving. Sometimes this causes accidents, which may result in injuries to yourself and others. This causes your insurance rates to increase or drop you. Medical bills and household finances could suffer if you are unable to work due to your inability to pay attention while driving.
  • Not eating right or eating sufficiently can cause a person to get sick. Not just stomach aches from eating the wrong foods, but diabetes, gout, plaque in your arteries, heart attack, osteoporosis, to name a few.
  • Buying without paying cash = debt. And too much debt could cause a person to lose any assets.
     So why assume that disobeying God will not have any unpleasant consequences on you? It is foolishness to believe that your goodness is enough. It is foolishness to believe that God does not exist. It is the pot telling the potter, "I have made myself and I can do what I please." Foolishness. Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart there is no God..." To say it aloud will only make know to those within hearing that you are a fool. It does not declare God's nonexistence, for GOD IS and always will be.

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