Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garden of God Spice Company-BELIEF

A year or so ago, I was privileged to do a presentation on Declaring War on Sickness. Being as I have been diagnosed with a "mystery disease", I had thought that I was the wrong one to do this. But God always knows what He is doing; everything falls into place under His guidance within His plans. Of course, in order to give God's message accurately and with clarity, much study and research needs to take place. I had 3 months and no idea how to do it.

But God's timing is always perfect, too. He gave me the 'how-to' overnight and later that day 'on the spot'. I had my outline and my notes, but never looked at either one. But I did have my visual aids. I've kept them in a lovely china bowl on my dresser top ever since. The message has stayed with me; it's been working on me ever since.

When I was able to work, I worked in a pharmacy. So it seemed perfectly natural to use empty pill bottles as spice bottles. In this world we use pills, ointments and liquids to counteract even the most basic illness. In the supernatural, God uses internal and external aids to overcome these things also. We just need to apply them.

The first Spice in our rack is BELIEF, John 3:16. Before any other action can be taken, one needs to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. BELIEF must be applied internally, to the heart and the mind. Otherwise, everything else is just window dressing and will not have any definitive action on the need.

It takes more faith to believe in a god of your choosing or no god at all than it does to believe in the God of the Bible. It is the clay on the potter's wheel declaring itself to be its own creator, and not the Potter Himself. Sounds pretty silly, that way, doesn't it? And yet, millions believe it to be so. There is but one God. He is a holy God, a righteous God, a loving and just God. He forgives sin, and forgets it. He endures our questions, counters our doubt, answers the prayers of the sincere heart. God is Lord, God is Father, God is Savior. And He desires to save you and I from eternal damnation for our sins. How can God do this? Through His only begotten Son: Jesus Christ.

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