Friday, August 27, 2010


The molehills are those little mounds in front. You can see the edge of a bigger hill, possibly mountain yonder.

Molehills ARE mountains. Until they are behind you......and then they become molehills again. So, when we ask God to "Move That Mountain", He replies, "What mountain?".

Our troubles, our circumstances, our situations appear across our pathway like the molehills do in the above photograph. Our eyes see only what is in front of us and not what is ahead. Seldom do we look behind us and see the faded hills we have crossed. I, for one, have seen God move many molehills. The party scene (unlike some people: I inhaled). Single parenthood. Shunned from church and friends. Becoming a step-parent and then a divorcée with 3 kids. Surviving a bad divorce. Working to support us on a low income wage. Falling through the cracks when it came to health care and food stamps. Being abandoned by my oldest son, who was 14 at the time. Waiting on God to move miracles in my direction without fully realizing He was constantly working on my behalf.
Marrying for the second time. After not only learning to wait and see what God would do, but to accept God's will and not just asking Him what it was. I must've sounded like a two year old toddler: "Why?". Burying a son who fell asleep at the wheel when he was 23 years old. Having a 16 year old son run away from home because of how he viewed the world within our home. And God moved mountains. That son moved back in and let us know that compared to other homes he lived in, this one was heaven. We maintain peace and quiet within our walls. Here is sanctuary. Here is home.
Being stricken with a neuromuscular disease that has no known name because not enough people have it to qualify it for research. Losing my ability to walk has greatly hampered my independence. Gradually losing my ability to talk is now also affecting my ability to sing. I would ask God "Why?" but I already know the answer. "Because you let Me. You asked Me to make you a blessing and I am. You asked me to save your family and your friends by whatever means possible and I am. You asked Me to use you to advance My Kingdom. You asked Me and I answered. I am using you because you let Me."
And, so, I no longer ask God to move mountains on my behalf. Now, I get to move them with His authority and His blessing. I'm moving one now. I'm here.

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