Sunday, April 18, 2010

John 20:19-23

What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit? What is His job? The Father is God the Creator. The Son, is God the Redeemer. But who is this Holy Spirit? He is God the Re-Creator.

The Holy Spirit is God working on the inside of us, doing the work of the transformation. You see, God doesn't just tell us what He wants us to be. That's the work of the Father.

He doesn't show what He wants us to be. That's the work of the Jesus, the Son. God actually gets inside of us; starts making us into what He wants us to be. That's the work of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 11:2 is a prophetic verse of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and reveals to us the working of the Holy Spirit. "...and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord." We see in this verse that the Holy Spirit's job is to instill us with WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, COUNSEL, MIGHT, KNOWLEDGE AND FEAR of the LORD. That's a might big job description right there. And only one person in the trinity gets to do it: Holy Spirit.

Now, you and I may be going through some tough times right now. Do you feel as if God is far away right now? Well, He isn't. Luke 4:1 lets us know that "..And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness...". Wow. Do you realize what this means? Right after His water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit LED Him into the wilderness. Why? To do battle with the enemy and overcome the temptations and obstacles Satan lays before us.

We are taunted, mocked, discredited; offered power, glory and fame. The devil wants us to believe that he is greater than God and do more for us than our God can. BUT GOD, through the Holy Spirit, shows us how to overcome, to battle and win, these minor pitfalls. Jesus was able to make it through each battle, each temptation, because the Holy Spirit was with Him. It is through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit that Scripture which we read and study, is brought to mind to rebuke Satan. God's Word reveals the devil to be the liar and manipulator he really is.

In Luke 4:3 Satan tempted Jesus with hunger. "turn this stone into bread". Luke 4:5-7 Christ is tempted with power "worship me and I will give you everything you see" Luke 4:9 "jump" Prove yourself and that your God is who He says He is.

Christ made it through the wilderness because He had the Holy Spirit with Him. Jesus showed us by example that when we have the Holy Spirit on us, working in us, that we, too, can make it through the wilderness. You and I are not going to make it through any wilderness journey without Him. If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, now is the time to ask God for it.

"O, Lord, I need Your Holy Spirit to come into my life, to give me power to live the life which You have ordained for me. Endow me, Lord, with the wisdom, the understanding, the knowledge and the fear of the Lord, that I may live a life that glorifies God. Fill me, use me, teach me all of Your ways that Your Name would be glorified and Your kingdom increased. I need You, Lord. Now more than ever before, more everyday, I need Your Holy Spirit living in me. Teaching me every second of my day to walk in the power of Your Word, changing me "from glory to glory"; advancing in spiritual knowledge of how to overcome every little satanic arrow that is flung in my direction. O Lord, I recognize that I am nothing without You; that with You revealing more and more of Yourself to me every second of my life through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit I am able to walk in humility and grace. Baptize me." Amen

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