Monday, May 30, 2022

Today's Word -- Almost Persuaded


Acts 26:28
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Almost you persuade me to be a Christian." 

ALMOST: in the realm of, the sphere of; the condition in which something operates from the inside; the nature of, the thought of
PERSUADED: have confidence (in), convinced 

King Agrippa, having had conversations with the Jewish people over whom he ruled, knew what the prophets had spoken of concerning the coming Messiah. Paul knew this and reminded him so (verse 26). Paul spoke with such confidence and belief in his voice and manner that this king Almost believed, was Almost Persuaded. While Scripture does not tell us, I'm under the impression that Paul's sermon resonated within King Agrippa and would not let him go. 

It is not our place to know who went to heaven and who did not. It is our place to share Jesus with as many people as we can so they don't miss heaven. I want my family and friends in heaven with me. I want the strangers I meet in heaven with me. I want those who come against me for my faith in heaven with me. I don't want anyone to die without Jesus. I pray that with my last breath, someone would hear Jesus from my lips and make that decision to believe in Him fully. 

It won't be easy to answer this call to salvation. Some, like Festus (vs 24) will call you crazy to your face. They'll insult you, make fun of you (mock), beat you up, kick you, torture some of you and even kill you, believing that they are honoring God by removing you the believer from the face of the earth. Answer the call anyway. The Holy Spirit is tugging on your heartstring right now. 

Don't let yourself be "Almost Persuaded": BE PERSUADED.