Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trust In The Lord: Psalm 37

PSALM 37:3 

Trust in the LORD, and do good: So shall you dwell in the land, and truly you shall be fed. Psalm 37:3

Trust (have faith in God) and do good (obey God's Word). Psalm 34:8-14 confirms this pursuit of happiness in Jesus:

8. Taste and See that the LORD is Good. To taste and see we must open our Bibles and pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal what God is speaking to us when we study His Word out. When we apply Biblical principles and ethics to our lifestyles, then we can begin to see how God is working in us and in our lives.
9. They that fear the LORD lack nothing in this life and in life eternal. Fearing the LORD is to obeying the Word He speaks to us. More than the 10 Commandments listed in Exodus, it is also a life of joy in obedience through Christ who is our Strength, as outlned in the New Testament.
10. Seek the LORD and any good thing is ours to have. Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want means not only do I know Who my Leader is, but that I choose to follow where He leads me. And where He leads me is to a place of Enough, More Than Enough, Abundant Living in Him and through Him.
11. Learn the fear of the LORD by listening to the Holy Spirit's voice. It is the voice of Wisdom which speaks plainly in Proverbs. He is the Friend of the Bridegroom who not only prepares the bride to meet her Groom, but fetches the bride and her bridal party to the wedding.
12. Desiring a good long life is normal. But the only way to obtain it is to Trust and Obey God.
13. Don't speak evil against anyone, and don't be talking nasty about a person. No slander, no lies, no gossip, no backstabbing, no anger is to come out of the mouth of the believer. Don't be bad-mouthing a person. Nor should we talk about them without their knowledge. James 3:5-10 warns of the ruin our tongues can bring when we allow the tongue to lash out and lose control. 
14. Depart (walk away from, leave) from evil, and do good (be obedient); Seek peace (the peace which only God can give), and pursue it.