Monday, July 30, 2018

Not Offended

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me. Matthew 11:6

Christ being a stumblingblock to many who had difficulty believing this poor Galilean man was the answer to the Old Testament prophecies. While Christ's teachings offended many, the people who believe and are not offended in Him are the happiest of people, for their faith leapt over the stumblingblock of unbelief into eternal life through Jesus Christ. 

Isaiah 28:16 "the one who believes shall not be shaken"
Romans 8:33 "whosoever believeth on HIm shall not be ashamed."
1 Peter 2:7 "to you who believe this Stone is precious."
1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculliar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out darkness into His marvelous light."

But to them who do not believe that Jesus Christ is God's plan of salvation, He becomes a stumbling block, a 'Rock of Offence'. 

We are not to be offended when people revile us for the sake of the gospel. When we are mocked for the choices we make in our everyday lives. When we become the joke and the punchline amongst our families and friends/former friends, we are not to be offended.
Yes, it can be painful at first. But hurt feelings need to turn to Christ for strength. And when Jesus wraps us into His loving embrace, all offenses just melt away. 
Eventually, our hearts become so filled with His love that we are not offended. We are able to love like Jesus simply because it is Jesus loving they who reject Him in us. 
Blessed/Happy is the person who is not offended by the grace which God has given them. 
Blessed am I because I am not offended by the extension of grace which God sent to the world. 
I am saved becaue the blood of Jesus Christ washed away my sins.
I have eternal life because Jesus Christ overcame death and the grave.
I have everything God promises through Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ lives in me; I live in Him; and He lives in God.