Saturday, May 5, 2018

We Are The Called--Covenant Relationship

Called To Covenant with God
Covenant Relationship

The word 'covenant' has several different meanings depending on where it is used in the Bible. We may think of the words 'promise' and 'contract', but neither of these is sufficient. Whereas God's promises do not always require action on our part, that word 'promise' cannot be used to describe the covenant relationship we have with our Creator. Nor does the word 'contract' fit: contracts end. A contract has a beginning date and a finish by date; making the contract invalid once the business has been completed. The covenant relationship has no end date. It does, however, have a begin date.

The covenant relationship with God began when He sent His only begotten Son, The LORD Jesus Christ to die on the cross and rise from the dead, giving to all people everywhere what the previous covenants could not: a permanent dwelling place not made with hands for God to live in: our hearts. Not our physical, beating hearts, but the spirit heart: the mind (wherein we reason or ponder this plan of salvation), the emotions (our attitudes and feelings on such a matter) and our will (our desires).

It is belief in The LORD Jesus Christ, and the call of The Holy Spirit to this method of salvation, that makes it possible for God to live in us. And so begins our covenant relationship with God.