Thursday, January 4, 2018

In Christ We Are: One

When He prayed for us in the garden, just before His arrest, part of His prayer was that we would become one in Him, as He is in His Father. You and I, believers in The LORD Jesus Christ, are living in Christ, He lives in us and through Him we have access to The Father, His Father: The Almighty God. We are one. 
We must live and breathe and move as one. We must let go of petty differences and man-made rules that have taken first place in the church. We are not created to live by our own laws, but by God's laws.  As such, we must set God first in all areas of our lives. 
Becoming one in Christ takes time. We should not use the knowledge of that as an excuse for our delay in becoming the Church which The Holy Spirit is aiding us to be. We need to stop working against The Spirit of God and begin to work with Him. For only then will we truly become who Christ wants us to be according to His prayer. 
So, who are we? We need to search the Scriptures, reading and re-reading our Bibles; asking God to reveal Himself to us in it, showing us who we are in His Word. 

"Oh, LORD God, help us not to be slow in seeking You out. For Your Word is Faithful and True, ready to be sought out and found by we who desire to know who we are in You, as Your Word has declared to us. Lead us through Your Word, that we might be made presentable to You. Keep us near You at all times, even in our sleep, where dreams and nightmares threaten to take us out. You have said that Your Word shall not return void. It cannot. Gently and patiently You have led us to You Father. You show us who You are in Your Word. Show us now who we are in Your Word, that we might rise up and become one in You, that You might be glorified in us." Amen.