Thursday, July 6, 2017

Overcoming Overwhelmingness

Worship Thru' The Storm

     Through. Not stuck. Not immobile. Moving forward. Not going in circles. Not turning back. Not standing still. Through. 

     What gets us through overwhelming odds? Faith. Faith that Jesus is right here with us, guiding us with The Holy Spirit of God in every second of being caught up in the waves of hopelessness and loneliness that threaten to take down our sailing vessels. 

     Worshiping Him gets us through the storms or our life, even if we made decisions that caused some of the storms. Yes, God delivered us from the punishment for our sins. But we still live with the consequences of our actions and words. The Bible says "we will reap what we sow" -- 2 Corinthians 9:7. Decisions made without consulting God in His Word may sow, or plant, unrighteousness into our lives and the lives of those around us.

    I have not always been a born-again Christian, though I was raised in a Christian home. I had itching ears and heard what I wanted to hear, not understanding or having a ready knowledge to make decisions that would impact me for the rest of my life. I got caught up in drugs and drinking and partying. I had a baby out of wedlock. I had an affair with a married man (who was separated and going through a divorce, but married nonetheless). Got pregnant again by him, married him and had not only 2 more babies, but 2 new children. The marriage did not last and I divorced him. 
     Through these storms, I learned to wait for God's plan and God's timing to be fulfilled in my life. Now, I am happily married, with one more child, to the man God prepared for me: a godly man who lives a life of faithfulness and walks in his integrity. And I pray for him every day that he may fulfill God's purpose in his life. The children are grown and making life decisions on their own now. While my little ship sails across the ocean of life, I do His work for His glory and honor and praise. I sing and worship and make music. I share the gospel of salvation, as He has commanded me in Mark 16:15. I'm going through. 

    Storms of life sometimes occur from unwise decisions on our part. Our best decisions come from turning to Christ for every need. As the men in the fishing boat did when the storm that surrounded them threatened to overcome their ship -- Mark 4:35-41. He cares for us. He speaks peace into the storm and the storm subsides. Though the men were abrupt and somewhat rude when they awakened Him from His rest, still Jesus answered their immediate need, which was not just calming the storm, but rebuking them for their lack of faith. Had He not said in verse 35, "Let us pass over unto the other side"? He knew the destination would be reached no matter the attack that came against the decision to cross over to the other side. 

     Do you know your destination? Is Jesus Christ in the center of your sailing vessel, resting in your love? He is in mine. I cannot let any storm prevent me from reaching the other side. Nor can I turn back to what was before, for that way lies death and destruction. I must persevere, hanging onto His Word, letting the mists splash across me as I turn to face the clouds and the wind that attempt to bring me under, when in fact, it is I who will overcome and ride the wind and wave to victory!