Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Know Where I Stand

~A Soliloquy of Faith~

Even when you don't know where you are in life,
you can know where you stand.
We jump and hop and skip and leap
while holding our Savior's hand
Trusting His Word, walking His path
Laid out for our steps to trod.

Learning to lean is a lesson I have,
I seldom now run ahead;
Waiting to hear my Savior's voice
To tell me where to tread.

I hear when He speaks to me
In His Word,
my Bible open I read:
Paths of righteousness He has laid
for this preacher's feet.

He's molding my feet
To walk my high places
As a hind would leap, would bound;
Prepping my body,
my spirit gains strength,
here where I hold His hand.

Steady as she goes,
oh, maybe not;
more like a wobble,
less likely: a trot.
Stumbling, not blindly,
my faith carries me
to the sound of His voice,
my Savior to see.

I know where I stand
when I stand with Christ,
ever vigilant,
watchful in prayer;
waiting and wondering,
which direction to move,
letting Him take the lead.

Jesus, LORD and Savior,
Friend of mine, indeed,
Guiding gently
through the darkness,
lighting my lamp for me.

{referencing Psalm 18:33; Psalm 32:8; Psalm 16:8;

Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5-6)