Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Making Molehills Out of Mountains

Yes, life is hard and there are times we struggle. Yet, without Jesus as your Savior, life is going to be harder and your struggles may overwhelm you. But with Jesus as Lord of our life and Savior of our soul, we not only have hope at the end of these struggles but Through our everyday living Jesus is walking with us.
We have the Holy Spirit of God leading, guiding, helping, teaching, molding, weeding when we ask Him for help. 
To make a mountain out of a molehill is to turn a small obstacle into a big one. Therefore, the reverse would be to make a molehill out of a mountain one must turn a large obstacle (problem, situation, circumstance, choice) into a molehill. 
While the first reveals a lack of faith in what God can do, the second shows others our complete faith in what our God is doing.. 
God is faithful. There is no mountain to high for Him.