Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Word of God Is

The Word of God is alive, vibrant, holy, righteous, true and Truth. The Word of God cannot be contained, nor can it be refuted; all arguments against it are futile and foolish. 
The Word of God is infallible; no errors, no mistakes. 
The Word of God is accessible: there is no reason in America why any one cannot read The Bible. Most libraries have internet access even if they do not have The Bible itself on the shelf. Under what category would a librarian stock The Bible do you suppose? Being fact, history, archaeology, curricular, physics, ethics, family services, poetry, prophecy and a few more I may be missing. I would want a copy of The Bible on every shelf category; perhaps even as the first book on the shelf. For God is ALL Knowledge: Omnipotent-All Power; Omniscient-All Knowing; Omnipresent-All Places. He is at once both famous author and the subject of The Bible.
The Word of God is the only standard by which one should live their lives or base one's values on: morals, virtues and commandments measure one's own character. Who you are in Christ is more important than who you are to the people around you; both the people you know and the people you don't know. 
The Word of God should spread like wildfire: from one person to the next and so on and so on until all have heard the gospel and been given the opportunity to either choose Christ as Lord of their lives and Savior of their eternal soul; or deny Christ and lose everything. 
The Word of God is my Friend, my Guide, my Teacher, my Salvation and my Future. For The Word of God is Jesus Christ. He is every thing to me.

The Air I Breathe. The Beat of My Heart. The Vision of My Sight. The Gentle Breath of Forgiveness. The Voice of The Heart of God.
And the heart of God is to see all souls saved and none perish. If you died tonight, and did not live to see the sun rise, would you die knowing you were right with God?
Do you know The Word of God as Savior of your soul? Are you ready to meet Jesus? Because He is ready to meet you.