Monday, March 5, 2012

Love Letter From God

Have you ever received a love letter from God? Are you sure? Our Bible is an open letter from God to His children. His salutation is "In the beginning" and His sign off is "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Isn't that lovely? We know that "Amen" does not mean the end, but "And so shall it ever be". There's more this love letter than what is presented, but we won't get to read the rest until we are with Jesus in glory. 

We all enjoy receiving personalized mail. Our mailboxes are usually filled with junk mail from businesses wanting us to spend our money there; we get bills demanding we send our money there. How wonderful it is to find cards and letters in our mailbox addressed to us! Someone has acknowledged our existence as an individual. Someone has taken time out of their day to bring joy into my day. Somebody loves me!

We feel sooooo special. But how often do we reciprocate the love? Do we pick up the phone right away and call to say "Thank you!"? Or do we just accept the card as something we deserve without saying anything. 

God has feelings, too. We are, after all created in His image. God is love and has a great love for us. God has sent us a hand-written love letter, signed, sealed, delivered. Some have tossed it aside, as if to say, "It's just an old book, full of lies, violence and intolerance. I want nothing to do with it." Some have read it and view it as "Unrealistic, a fairy tale." Some have read this letter from God with anticipation, "Eagerly devouring every word, every line." Some have read only part of the letter, they highlight the sentences that make them feel good and disregard the ones that make them feel bad. Some hate the letter from God and destroy it on sight, burning every letter they can find so no one has the chance to read it. 

But God's love letter cannot be destroyed. Neither hate, nor fear, nor dark of night will prevent God's love letter from being delivered. Neither ignorance, nor apathy, nor lack of light will prevent God's love letter from being received. 

Somebody loves you. And He waits patiently for you to rescind His love. Don't you think it's about time you did?