Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Joy In The Lord is Strength


Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of The LORD is your strength.

    Why were the people sorrowful after hearing the words of the law that was read to them? Because it convicted their hearts of the sins they had committed. The law of The Lord reveals what is sin and sin's consequences: death. For this they began to weep and to mourn, but Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levite priests reminded them that that day on which they heard the words of the law was a holy day, a day of rejoicing and a day of sharing what we have with those who had less. 
     In Nehemiah 8:8 the words of the Law of God were explained clearly and to their understanding. The Spirit of The Law fell on their hearts and caused them to grieve, as it does still, when people hear The Word read and explained to our understanding. The letter of The Law wounds and kills. The Love of The Law of The Lord heals and gives life to those who believe it and receive it into their hearts. 
    Psalm 19:7-11 describes The Law of The Lord very well:
1. The Law of The Lord is Perfect, it revives the soul.
2. The Testimony of The Lord is trustworthy, making the simple wise.
3. The Precepts of The Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart.
4. The Commandments of The Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
5. The Fear of The Lord is pure, enduring forever.
6. The Judgments of The Lord are true and righteous:
    a. They are more precious than gold.
    b. They are sweeter than honey.
    c. By these Judgments the servant of The Lord is warned. 
     This knowledge of The Law of The Lord brings joy to the repentant heart and causes a body to rejoice and have an overflowing joy such as cannot be contained. It must overflow into our families and onto our neighbors and friends, strangers and foreigners among us. Why would we ever want to try and contain such as we have received of The Lord our God? We are compelled to go out and share the blessings of The Lord with each other. 
    The Law of The Lord having been read on a feast day, a holy day unto The Lord God, meant that it was not a time for weeping and grieving: it was a time of fellowship, of joy and rejoicing. It was The Feast of Tabernacles, the year of Jubilee, when all debts are forgiven and The Law of The Lord is to be read to all the people gathered in the courtyard of the temple: men, women, children, foreigners. (Deuteronomy 31:9-13).
    The Joy of The Lord is the knowledge of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, Who took our sins upon Himself and died in our place. For sin requires a death, and the most perfect lamb in all of Israel was Jesus Christ (John 1:29), Son of David (Matthew 9:27), Lord of David (Psalm 110:1; Matthew 22:44). 
    This is my Joy. And my Strength.