Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Burning Love




Jeremiah 20:9
Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His Name. But His Word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

Jeremiah was compelled by The Holy Spirit burning in his heart to speak The Word which God had given him to the people who didn't want to hear it. In other words, Jeremiah couldn't help himself: he HAD TO SPEAK THE WORD OVER THE UNHEARING AND UNLISTENING people whom God loved.

There's a lot of that going on today even now. Unhearing, unlistening, uncaring, unknowledgeable people are having The WORD of GOD spoken over them. While many will refuse to answer God's beckoning call to salvation and redemption, a few will step out in faith and a little boldness to answer God's call on their souls and lives.

Know this, we are praying you out of the fire with the Love of God and The Word of God burning in our hearts, for we desire that no one go to hell, but that all would be saved. We who believe The Word of God to be True and Faithful have also stepped out in faith and boldness to speak The Word of God over your lives and your hearts.

You may cuss us out, throw stuff at us, shoot us, knife us, whip us, kick us, spit on us, beat us up, and kill us. But the prayers we have prayed with sincere loving hearts will be answered. So stop fighting God and surrender your hearts and your lives to Him. While you still have a chance.

GOD REALLY LOVES US - Crowder, Maverick