Tuesday, May 23, 2023

A Crucified Life - - Is Justified


    Romans 10:10
For with your heart 
you Believe and Justified
and with your mouth 
you Confess and are Saved.

    *Strong's Ex. Conc. No. 1343
Justified: righteousness, justice; judicial verdict
From the Greek word 'dikaiosuné' (pronounced dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay): refers to what is deemed right by the Lord after He examines a person; what receives official approval from God; divine righteousness
    Also from Strong's: "the state acceptable to God which becomes a sinner's possession through that faith by which he embraces the grace of God offered him in the expiatory death of Jesus Christ". 
    This justification is not available through other means or religions. There is only one God and there is only one way to live in heaven with Him. This verse expounds a little more clearly on what is necessary to fulfill God's desire for us to be with Him in eternity.  
    There are only two destinations after death: heaven and hell. While God created both of them,  only one destination was intended for people: heaven. But people choose to go to hell when they disbelieve God while they are alive. One must believe not only that God Is, but that God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross and walk out of the grave, defeating death (by rising) and hell (throwing off the weight of sin). 
    Because Christ lives, those people who believe that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son will live again, too. For we are in Christ and He is in us. Where He goes, we go. What He did, we do. What He says, we say. We form no opinions of our own unless we can back them up with the whole Word of God. 
    As this verse says, with our HEARTS we Believe and are Justified. And with our MOUTHS we Confess and are Saved. Our hearts are changed for the better when we believe that Jesus is God's only begotten Son. However, we must speak our beliefs aloud at the time we believe for the saving grace of God to take effect. 
    I can pray for you. And I do. But there comes a point in every person's life when they must pray for themselves. I can talk to God about your salvation, but unless you do the same, it's not gonna happen. We all, on an individual basis, must come to the cross, see Jesus and decide for ourselves whether or not we will accept Him as the Christ, the only begotten Son of God. It's the most important decision any of us will ever make.
    Remember the centurion who came near the cross where Jesus hung. Perhaps that centurion had heard Jesus' teachings, but he surely heard the whispers and gossip of Who this Man was on the cross. He had received orders to pierce His side, to ensure that Jesus was truly dead. Which the centurion did. But he also came to the understanding that this Man hanging on the cross was the Christ, the Messiah. 
    How many of us see Jesus? Untold numbers have come to the cross with repentant hearts, seeking forgiveness for their sins and receiving it, because they believed in their hearts that Jesus died for them, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He is seated at God's right hand. Yet we know that our numbers are few, that only a fraction of this world's past, present and future populations have recognized their need for a Savior. 
    Many, many more, too many to number have turned their  backs on the God who created them. Turning to the darkness and embracing its secrets and evils instead of turning to the Light and embracing Its Love and Hope. 
    So we beg you, we implore you, if you have not done so already, Come to the Cross and see Jesus. Come to the Well and drink the Living Water of Life. Come to the Garden and see the empty tomb. Come to the Table and taste the Bread of Life. Let Him fill your cup with Himself and let it overflow. 
    Jesus tells us that "they who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness will be filled" in one of His most famous sermons. Have you had enough of this world's fakeness? Come to Jesus, for He is Truth. Do you find yourself hungering for something you can only find at the cross? Come nearer to see Him clearly. Come today, for there is only now: tomorrow is promised to no one. 

I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary - Gaither Vocal Band
You Say - Lauren Daigle
God Be Merciful To Me - Jars of Clay
Near The Cross - Shirley Willis
I Found God - Ben Laine
Awe of You - CAIN
Overcomer - Eddie James
Praise God I'm Free - Various Artists