I am the body of Christ.
And I hurt. I know pain.
Excruciating pain from the whips on my back.
Heartache pain from the brokenness within and without.
Two extremes with no inbetween.
I am the body of Christ.
And I smile. I know joy.
Unspeakable joy where words are not enough.
Cheer-filled countenance that shines from within.
Two extremes with no inbetween.
I am the body of Christ.
What He suffered we will suffer.
He Who knew pain also knew joy.
He Who knew Joy also knew suffering.
He Who knew suffering also knew heartache.
He Who knew heartache also knew compassion.
I am the body of Christ.
His hands. His feet.
His back.
His eyes. His ears.
His heart.
He is my Strength, my Hope.
He is my Faithful Witness.
He is my Joy, my sorrow.
He is my Peace.
He is my Grace, my Provision.
He is my Everything.
Because He's everything to me.