Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Heart & Soul - - To Love Like God


Romans 13:10, 11
Love does not do evil to its neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law. And do this knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer now than when first we believed.

*Strong's Ex. Conc. No. 4138
Fulfillment, Fulfilling: fullness, completeness, keeps, keeping, repletion
From the Greek word 'pléróma' (pronounced play'-ro-mah). "Sum total, fullness, even (super) abundance".

    The Love of God is written on our hearts. It is THE WORD of GOD, written with the finger of God in the blood of the LAMB of God through the power of the Holy Spirit of God. By faith we believe that the WORD of GOD is TRUE and FAITHFUL. God Loves because God IS Love. To have such Love, this Love of God, is to be this Love to everyone we meet, and everyone we may never meet. 
    What is the Love of God? It is MERCY, COMPASSION, FAITHFULNESS, TRUTH, LOVINGKINDNESS, DEVOTION. It is the Greek word "agapé" (ag-ah'-pay). It means we FORGIVE the people who have done us wrong, regardless of how they have wronged us. 
    To put into action the LOVE OF GOD is to HONOR, to prefer another's preferences above our own. That's forgiveness, too. For when we let go of the hurts, the anger, the offenses, the unruliness, the bitternesses, the betrayals, and FORGIVE, then, and only then, can we begin to heal; heal as individuals, heal as a family, heal as a community, heal as a nation. 
    The Love of God works in us for our betterment and God's glory. Everything God does has a dual purpose. The first is to reveal Himself to us, the second is to reveal ourselves to ourselves. How can we love like God if we don't know who God is? So He reveals Himself to those who seek Him out with sincere hearts.
     In His presence, we are revealed to ourselves and see our need for a Savior, a Savior who forgives us of all of our sins, a Savior who loves us for who we are but does not leave us where we are. At His feet we fall and ask for His forgiveness for our follies and foolishnesses. We repent of our wicked ways, acknowledging that we have transgressed (trespassed) against Him, against His Word. We see Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, taking our punishment upon Himself, forgiving the people who put Him there. And God forgives us.
    To LOVE like GOD is to live in harmony with each other. But the world system does not want to live like that. When each wants to be fulfilled in himself or herself, there is chaos, not love. Where selflessness should be the norm, selfishness reigns. In this world there is envy, strife, murders, revenge: there is hate for each other and hate for oneself. Where hate lives, death reigns.
    To LOVE like GOD is to live in peace with each other. We are all equal in the sight of God. We all have a sinful nature into which we are born. We are all unrighteous until we accept the righteousness of Christ by faith in the blood which He shed for us on the cross. 
    To LOVE like GOD is to live in the love of God with each other. Our social lives are to honor God. Our interactions with one another are to bring glory to God, not ourselves. The words we speak and the things we do should be causing those who do not live this Love asking themselves, and us, "What's different about that person? And where can I get it?" 
    To LOVE like GOD is to be honest, open and truthful. It is to have pity on the unlearned, the lost, the dying. The unlearned, they who do not know the LOVE of GOD. The lost, they who are lost in the darkness of sin until the Light of God's LOVE shines in their hearts. The dying, they who are dying in their sins without ever making a commitment to surrender their hearts and Live in God's Love. To LOVE like GOD is to have compassion towards these and many more. 
    To LOVE like GOD is to Warn people that Jesus Christ's return for His people is imminent. It is to warn even the body of Christ to prepare for the return of their King. "Wake up!" the Holy Spirit shouts. "Wake up! Get ready for the Bridegroom! He's coming and is even now at the door!" 
    In the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), all had oil in their lamps at the beginning of their wait for the bridegroom. But half of them let their lamps burn brightly, then as the oil burned, they fell asleep. Half trimmed their wicks, and guarded the oil in their lamps that they would not be left in the dark. 
    Half of them had enough oil for their own lamps but not for everyone else's lamps. They refilled their lamps and ran to greet the bridegroom. But.....
    Half of them were not prepared for a lengthy wait. Though it was night, they went searching for more oil to fill their lamps. When they found the bridegroom, it was too late. The door was closed and could not be opened to them. 
    The Spirit is saying to us, even now, "Wake Up! Get ready! The Lover of Your Soul is very near! Rise up and greet Him!" So we say to you, with and in the LOVE of GOD, "Get up out of your slumber. Waken your hearts to receive the King of Glory! Open the door and let Him in before it's too late." He knocks and waits (Revelation 3:20).  
    Am I a fearmongerer? No. I am a LoveofGodmongerer. I urge you to make a decision for Christ now and soon. Get ready to receive Him before it's too late. That's the LOVE of GOD in action. That's the LOVE of GOD calling out to you, Softly and Tenderly