Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Guard Your Heart - - Guard Your Faith


1 Timothy 4:1, 2
Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron.

*Strong's Ex. Conc. No. 868
Abandon: to withdraw oneself from, to fall away
From the Greek word 'aphistémi' (pronounced af-is'-tay-mee): I take up a position away from, repel, leave, abstain from, to lead away from.

    The later times, often referred to as latter days, are not the same as end of days. The later times refer to the age in which the church is being built up in the faith, in the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. And we are still in these days, for this age will continue until the church is taken up by Christ when He returns for her. 
    Even in the beginning of the church's growth,  sedition (rebellion) and apostasy (desertion, falling away from) began to rear their ugly heads. Religious groups outside the church began impacting the way the church was being run, inserting their own laws and rules ahead of God's law and rule. 
    In Paul's letter to Timothy, he reminds him of this and to warn the brethren (the brothers and sisters in Christ) under Timothy's leadership to be careful of what is being let into the church and what is to be kept out. 
    Since the Spirit of God never lies we know that then, as now, many have been deceived by their faith leaders into believing what has been presented as truth, but in actuality is false. We are to beware of (be aware of and avoid) false teachings which are delivered by false teachers and false prophets: imposters and evil spirits. 
    And in order to know who is speaking Truth and who is lying we need to know what The Word of God is for ourselves. We need to grab hold of the written Word of God and begin to read and study it out and pray over what we are reading and studying, asking God to reveal Himself in His Word. 
    Most of us know by now that a hypocrite is a person who says one thing and does the opposite. They are pretenders, snakes. On the outside they appear morally righteous; in their hearts and behind closed doors they are anything but. 
    The born again believer who follows closely the Word of God will be on the lookout for deceivers and heretics who try to enjoin themselves to the church in which the believer participates. It is why we need to remain in a state of prayer, constant communication with our heavenly Father, that we may be able to discern the wicked from the righteous. 
    The Spirit of God has told us how we are to be in these latter days. If we pay closer attention to how we receive The Word then we will be able to tell the difference in the Spirit who is and who is not a Christian. 
    What does the word Christian mean? It is a designation of nationality. Not only are we Christ-followers, but we are living in Christ and Christ lives in us. Perhaps meant as an insult in the beginning, the Christians embraced the title. Therefore, not everyone who calls themselves Christians really are Christians.
Because God is Creator, only God creates. Genesis 1 and 2 we read that God created all of nature and all of the universes. Exodus 20:1-5 reminds us that God is to be worshiped, not God's creations.
LIE: Making statues of people and animals is fine.
Matthew 6:5-7 Jesus tells His disciples to pray in secret to their heavenly Father. Psalm 4:3 God hears the prayers of the godly.
LIE: Praying the name of a saint gets results. Lighting these candles will cause your prayers to enter God's light. 
Exodus 20:7 Taking the Lord's name in vain (swearing) is a punishable offense. Using God's Name as an epithet is not acceptable in any part of the believer's life, especially their tongue.
LIE: Swearing is normal; everybody does it.
1 Kings 13:11-34 is one example of not obeying God's specific words given to one of His prophets. 
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 details the blessings of God when His people obey Him, while Deuteronomy 28:15-68 details the curses of God when His people disobey Him.
LIE: The Bible is ancient history. It is a storybook filled with tall tales and fables. It is irrelevant in today's age.

    Beware, church! You who say you are God's people! God knows who belongs to Him and who does not. Make very sure you know you belong to God. Guard your faith, pay very close attention to what you are reading, hearing and believing.
2 Timothy 2:19
"Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are His. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

 It can neither be bought nor sold. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a thief. We cannot buy our way into heaven. 
Ephesians 2:8, 9
"For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." 
LIE: Buy (my water, this brick) and your reward will be in heaven. Make your charitable donations public and generous and you will be blessed.

    We beg you now, to return to fold, to repent of your wicked ways and fall on your faces before The Lord God. Do not die with regret in your everlasting shame. For God has made a Way for you to be forgiven. And that Way is to humble ourselves, not just getting on our knees in prayer and praise, but humbling our hearts to submit to the Authority of God's Word. 
    Let us draw near to God that He may draw near to us, as we are so aptly reminded in The Word: James 4:7, 8.