Monday, December 9, 2019

Blessed Increase_Deuteronomy

The increase, the fruitfulness, of the one who obeys God, is promised to the believer over time, since one's property cannot multiply over night. 

This verse reminds us that God will bless every living thing we have in our household as long as we follow His Word. 

I have found it is best to follow Him willingly and with my whole heart (all my love) than in increments. 

Blessed, to be envied, happy shall be the increase of your children,  your lands (including, but not limited to, gardens, fields), the increase of your cattle, the increase of your kine (four-footed animals not related to cows, i.e. horses, oxen, buffalo, yak, deer, etc), the increase of the flocks of your sheep. 

Not only do our souls prosper under the watchful guidance of our Lord and Savior God, but everything around us will prosper, as well.