Friday, June 17, 2016

I Have A Fleshy Heart

I have been so forgetful that I was not sharing my thoughts on here, too. This is originally written January 2015 and posted on Facebook in My Notes.

Ezekiel 11:19-20 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spiritwithin you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh:That they make walk in Mine statutes, and keep Mine ordinances, and do them:and they shall be My people, and I will be their God.

     When God spoke of removing the stony heart and replacing it with a fleshy heart, He gave me a heart like His. God's heart is flexible:His heart breaks when we sin (rebel against His Word and do our own thing). When we confess our sins to God and repent (turn away from) of our sins, God is faithful in His Word to forgive us; and we are saved from the punishment we would have had to bear had we not repented.

     Christ's heart was broken on the cross at Calvary, and His blood was poured out for us, and upon us, washing away our sins. We are made perfect in God's sight because we have the righteousness of Christ upon us; thus when God looks upon us, He no longer sees an unwashed sinner, but a sinner saved by grace. And that grace is only available through belief on The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

     God gives me a flexible heart, too. My  heart breaks when The Holy Spirit convicts me of disobeying God. Each break reveals my weakness and Christ's strength drawing me back to God. My soul is renewed and refreshed in God's love, God's mercy. And what is the soul? Mind+Will+Emotion=Soul.

     Keeping my mind focused on one thing at a time is difficult, but when I remember to keep Christ near, The Holy Spirit helps me cope. Like always. Philippians 4:8 tells me what I should focus on. With these things in mind, I am able to accomplish the most basic of tasks, including folding laundry, making dinner and sitting upright (even if I do tilt a little to the left).

     Submitting my will to God's is not always an easy task. Yes, I have surrendered my body a living sacrifice; but I keep taking it back and that will bring discord into my relationship with God. Therefore I must submit myself to His will, His Word and His Way every single day, not just once in a lifetime.

     Holding my emotions in check is hard, but we are getting there. I would like to believe that I am getting better at not being offended over every little insult I receive. For awhile there I had what I thought was thick skin, but it was really just a thickening, a hardening of the heart, and I had to repent and ask God to forgive me for my sin of pride.

     But my heart does not break just for myself and my failings. My heart breaks for you. So I pray for your salvation. For your healings. For you to desire God's Holy Spirit in your life. For your heart to be like God's heart: fleshy and flexible.