Friday, June 17, 2016

An Open Letter To My Children

     I will always love you. Nothing you do can ever stop me from loving you. You will always be my sons, my daughters, my children. Whether I brought into this world or adopted you into my heart and my life, you are my sons and my daughters.
     In case of emergency, the plan is to meet at home. And if home is where the heart is, then my home is with Jesus, 'cause that's where my heart is. So, I plan on meeting you all there.
     I'm saved because someone never stopped praying for me to receive Christ as my Savior. I am right with God because I acknowledged the sin in my life, repented of it, and God forgave me for it.
     One day, you, too, will know Christ as your Savior. One day you, too, will come to the full knowledge of what it means to be saved and set apart. Because I and so many others are praying for your salvation.
     You may think you are already saved because I raised you in church. And while that helps you more than realize now, it is not enough to attend church when the doors are open. It is not enough to pay tithes on your incomes. It is not enough to donate your time and money to charities. It will never be enough.
     You are not rebelling against me, nor against the way you were raised: you are rebelling against God. Think about that, if you can, if you will. And know that just like Job of the Bible, who met with God daily for the sake of his children, I too, am meeting with God daily for the sake of mine.


P. S.  And, as a side note, I pray for your friends and their families; I pray for your girlfriends and/or your wives/husbands. I pray for their families. I pray for your children and grandchildren. I know God hears my prayers. The Bible tells me so.