Friday, March 4, 2016

Statement of Faith

Matthew 10:28 Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 

We who are the body of Christ have nothing to fear from any man, neither their words nor their actions against us should have any effect on us. We are Christ's body and He is our Head; therefore, we have a sound mind. He lives in us, His heart beats in our hearts, His love flows through veins. In Him we live and move and have our being; for without Him we are nothing: with Him we are every thing.

We who are the body of Christ rally around our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being tortured and killed for His Name's sake. We lift them up in prayer, not just for safety in their different countries, but for the strength of their testimony and witness. We pray for their captors' and tormentors' salvation, for that is the prayer they pray. 

We pray as one for all. For all who have yet to believe that our God is real. That our God is loving and merciful to all. For this we pray. God listens to our prayers. And answers us, as He answered all other prayers before us. Many of us received second, third, fourth, fifth....countless chances, opportunities to turn back to Christ, to turn to God, and let Him fix us, let Him save us. We pray that the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf be opened to the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

We pray that our actions and our words are His mirror image, and not a desire of our own reflections. We pray for His strength to be manifested among us and in us; the strength to live a bold and faithful life in this wilderness we call home. We are lions among jackals and hyenas. We rise up and roar our battle cry across the globe: we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.