Thursday, May 30, 2024

Statements of Faith - Sealed


EPHESIANS 1:13. 14 
In Him you also trusted, after you heard The Word of Truth, the gospel of your salvation; in Whom also, having believed, you were sealed with The Holy Spirit of promise, 
Who is the pledge of our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession, to the praise of His glory. 

    Who is Sealed? The born again believer, whether they are God's chosen elect - the Jews - or they who have been grafted into The Vine - the church - we are all sealed by The Holy Spirit of God when we come to Christ Jesus for our salvation and redemption. 
    How are we sealed? The validation of our salvation is the mark which God has placed on His people. Though not visible to the naked eye, it is completely visible to God. 
    What marks a Christian that makes them visibly different to other people? It is not our words, nor our actions: they who are also faithful followers of Jesus Christ can see, even from a distance, the glow of The Holy Spirit upon us. I've had people come up to me, total strangers, and say, 'I know you're a Christian. I can see Jesus in you.' And they hug me and smile and then walk away. 
    I, we, are sealed and set aside to be used for God's glory. We have chosen this path of service to our God and as long as we focus on The Word which is directly in front of us, not worrying about what's ahead, nor regretting what has passed; not allowing ourselves to be distracted by what's on the left of our view, nor what tempts on the right. We maintain our walk of faith one step at a time. 
    Eve, in the garden of Eden, allowed herself to get distracted when she listened to the serpent beguile her with his malicious deceitful words, causing her to answer him instead of ignoring him. He questioned God's Authority and questioned Eve's understanding of God's Word.
    That's why it is so important for each of us to know and understand, through God's Holy Spirit, the Truth of God's Holy Word. It is a moral imperative to be able to live God's Word that we must first read and study to know God through His Word. We must pray to God and seek Him out, with desire to draw closer to Him than we are now. The strength of our relationship with God is in Christ. 
    If Christ is not in us, then we cannot be in Christ; nor is it possible to draw near to God, nor even enter His presence with worship. God knows our hearts: if our hearts are not right with God on God's terms, then we have failed to understand the most basic imperative: there is only one God and He desires to be first in everything we do, including our worship. 
    In Exodus 20, the very first commandment tells us this. God rebukes idolatry and then goes on to describe what idolatry is. He demands absolute worship from us when we recognize that GOD IS GOD. God will speak to people in dreams and visions, He will pour out His Holy Spirit upon His sons and His daughters. (Joel 2) He will reveal Himself to those who are seeking Him. Now is the time to seek God and live. For the day is fast approaching when people will seek God in fear, but lacking understanding, they will not find Him. 
    It is The Holy Spirit and the church who are calling people to salvation through Jesus Christ. When we leave, what will you do if you don't leave with us? Now we pray that The Holy Spirit fill us and burn away everything not of God, leaving only that in us which God will accept. 
    If you don't know where to start reading your Bible, start with The Book of John. And let The Holy Spirit direct your steps where to go next. 

 BURN IN ME - Paul Wilbur

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