Showing posts with label The Law of The Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Law of The Lord. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Law of The Lord is Perfect



Psalm 19:7
The Law of The Lord is perfect, converting the soul: The Testimony of The Lord is simple. 

Perfect: unblemished, complete, whole, blameless 

2 Timothy 3:16, 17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 

    Though the word "perfect" is used to describe both Scripture and people, the meaning is nearly the same. We are to live lives of moral integrity: our personal ethics and principles by which we live must reflect The Word of God which is in us. Do people see Christ in us when they interact with us, or even recognize that we are believers in Christ, though they have never met us? 
    Let's say you go shopping and pay for the things you set near the register. On your way out the door, you realize you left an item in your cart. Do you take it back and pay for it, give it to the clerk and explain your mistake, or do you just keep on walking and consider it a "freebie". If you do the latter, that's theft, which would make you a thief. A thief's heart is not God's heart. When we live a life of integrity, we stand out from among the crowd because the Light of Christ shines through us. 

    As Christ is without blemish and perfect in every way, God chose Him to be the sacrificial Lamb required to take away the sins of the world once and for all. From the first people to the last, anyone who has chosen to follow The LORD God regardless of the cost to themselves, is covered by this blood. 
    He is Eternal Life to the believer and in Him we are made perfect. We are in a constant state of change, as the stream flows from the rocks and over the landscape, it is in perpetual motion from being filled with the rains. This is our life in Christ. Over and over and over again we are being made more perfect in Him daily, when we choose to let Him lead us where He wants us to go. He never leaves us: our GOD is  faithful. 
    The church Christ is coming for must be perfect. She must live a perfect life and her heart must be made perfect through her obedience to The Law of The Lord. 
Hebrews 4:12
For The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 
    God knows our hearts and our thoughts. When we delve into the Scriptures, seeking to know God better with a deeper understanding of Who He Is and His great love for people, we draw closer to Him. Our yearning for His presence is an act of devotion to The Desire of Nations (Haggai 2:7).  We say, "Come, Lord Jesus. Come and take Your perfect church to the place which You  have prepared for her." But at the same time, we pray that our families, our friends, our enemies come with us. 
    Have you made that decision yet? To put down your own life, take up your cross and follow Jesus wherever He may lead you? Now is the time to make that decision. "The Spirit and the bride, we say, 'Come. Come and see The Savior Who died for you, fought death, hell and the grave, for you. Come and meet The One Who walked out of the grave for you. To save you, to give you eternal life, that you might dwell forever with Him'. 
    Is today your day to give your heart and your life to Christ Jesus? Come. Come to Jesus. And live. 


Friday, January 10, 2025

The Law of The Lord Is Refreshing To The Godly


Psalm 1:1
Blessed (the happiness which comes from being in a right relationship with God) is the one who does not listen to ungodly advice, nor live life accordingly (to that ungodly advice), nor keeps company with sinners (who deliberately live ungodly lives), nor sits with scorners and mockers (who rail against godly wisdom).

Psalm 1:2
But his delight is in The Law of The Lord;
On His Law he meditates day and night. 

Delight: the inclinations of the heart 

    The Law of The LORD is The Word of God. We more than lean towards The LORD's presence: we yearn to be as close to Him as He desires to be close to us. We are trees of righteousness yielding to The Righteousness of God. We are clothed with that which is more beautiful than the flowers of the field: Jesus Christ. 
    The Law of The LORD is Eternal: permanent, neverending, everlasting, without end. It is Life; not just any life, but an abundant Life in Christ and Christ in us. 
    Have you believed The Law of The LORD for your own salvation? The LORD GOD is calling everyone to repentance, to godly sorrow which leads to a changed heart and life. Are you ready for The Law of The LORD to clean your hearts and change the course of your life? Better get ready. Come to Jesus. It's the most important decision you will ever make.