Showing posts with label Beatitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beatitudes. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025


 Philippians 2:8

And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross.

1 Peter 2:21-24
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His footsteps:  “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth.” / When they heaped abuse on Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats, but entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. 

    In Psalm 40 David writes the hope that his enemies, those who are against him, would turn their hearts to God. He does not retaliate, nor seek vengeance upon them. He, like many others who follow God before him and after him, has the love of God -- which includes compassion and mercy -- in his heart and mind. 
    In Matthew 5:1-12 describes the beatitudes of a Christian's behavior as we walk in the power of God's Holy Spirit with Christ. To be humbled is to surrender what we want for what God wants. It is to live a righteous life that glorifies God, and not a selfish life which only glorifies ourselves. 
    MATTHEW 5:1-12

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you."

    To humble ourselves means we choose obedience to God's Word: we choose to walk in love and light. We show mercy where none is deserved for we are given undeserved mercy by God. We speak peace and forgiveness to everyone we interact with, for the peace of Christ and the forgiveness of our sins were given to the believer when we believed on The Name of The Only Begotten Son of God JESUS CHRIST.

    To humble ourselves means we submit our thoughts to His Word, as well. In order to do that, we must fill our hearts and minds with His Word and His worship (the worship we give Him when we sing His praises and testify in word and song of the glorious things which He has done for us). Let His worship and Word and Spirit abound so thoroughly in each of us that Christ fills us up with even more of Himself, leaving no room for anything not of Him. 

    We must choose this side of eternity to humble ourselves. For the day is nearly here when God will forcefully ensure that all will be humbled by Himself (Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10-11). The believer willingly kneels before God in adoration and worship, testifying by our actions and our words -whether spoken or unspoken-that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD OF ALL, even ourselves. 

    Rebellion against God and His Word and His Spirit is the opposite of humbleness and humility. Rebellion is arrogance, pride, selfishness, evil, wickedness. To deny God is rebellion, for GOD IS. To live a life of "I want what I want when I want it" is rebellion and disobedience to God's Word. One cannot accept the act of communion and then go out and continue to live in sin. For this brings condemnation upon that person. 

    A life of humility is a righteous walk with Christ. It is to live a life of surrender and submission to our heavenly Father. I've read some good books in my time that have helped me in my walk. Too many to list, but I'll give you a couple examples, which are still on my bookshelves:

Good Morning, Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn

The Real Holy Spirit - Cortland Myers, D.D. (read this book for free online)

The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges 

    In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God tells us that we must humble ourselves (kneel only to Him), pray (only to Him) and seek His face (His presence), then He will hear us, forgive us and heal the place where we live. Every Word of God is for everyone. In the Old Testament it was for God's elect: the Jew, the Hebrew nation. But since we are now living in New Testament times, it is for the Gentile, as well. A Gentile is anyone who is not born Jewish. But when we all believe that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, then we are all in God's family. And His Promise is for All Who Believe. 

    Therefore, we must, we absolutely must, willingly and decidedly choose to live lives of humility and humbleness, being aware at all times that Christ is with us; that His Spirit teaches us and guides us in this life in order to prepare us for the life we will live after death. 

    Joshua (Joshua 24:15) wrote that the decision to follow God is personal, it happens to each of us on an individual basis. The call goes out, "Choose this day whom you will serve." For the humble life of the believer has an impact on the soul, the mind, the heart. Choose. This day. Whom you will serve. Yourselves? or God? 

    Are we willing to die for what we believe? If not, then we need to get into the place where we are fully surrendered to a life lived for the glory of God. Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray is a good place to start. 

COVERED Planetshakers




Friday, June 16, 2023

Blessed Are The Merciful


    Matthew 5:7
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Share The Living Water of Life with Them
(that they may drink and be satisfied)
    Proverbs 11:25
A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Forgive The People Who Have Done Us Wrong
(regardless of how many times they do so)
    Matthew 6:14
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Honor Each Other With Genuine Affection
(not because you have to but because you want to)
Romans 12:10
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

    These are just a few verses on showing Mercy to others. Which ones can you think of?

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Blessed Are They That Mourn


    Matthew 5:4
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Strong's Ex. Conc. No. 3996
MOURN: properly, grieve over a death; (figuratively) to grieve over a personal hope (relationship) that dies, i.e. comes to divine closure ("ends"). ("Mourn over a death") refers to "manifested grief" so severe it takes possession of a person and cannot be hid.

   In John 16:16-33 Jesus is speaking to His disciples regarding His imminent death, resurrection, ascension, and return. Which, of course, they understood none of. 
    Many would rejoice over Christ's murder. For murder it was. He was too controversial to be allowed to live, so the local religious higher-ups conspired to kill Him. Matthew 26:2-3. 
    Then His disciples, His followers, would be mourning their loss while they who had conspired to kill Jesus would be rejoicing in His death, believing their problems to be over. 
    Upon Christ's resurrection, the disciples would rejoice; the murderers and they that condoned the mock trial and crucifixion would fear. When Christ left Earth to return to His Father, the disciples again rejoiced. 
    The Jewish religious leaders spread lies about Jesus while the disciples spread the Truth. As it was then so it is today. 
    For nearly 2000 years the faithful followers of Christ have preached the return of the King of Kings. The closer the time for His return the louder the earth groans and the world endeavors to destroy those who speak the Truth of the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. 
    We read in Revelation that when the two witnesses are killed, the people partied for three days. But then. Revelation 11:1-14. 
    When all is said and done as The Word has revealed it to us, they who came against God and His Son and His people will be no more. The world will no longer exist and a new earth will take its place. Revelation 21. 
    Until that time happens we who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior will continue to proclaim the Good, Good News. Come to Jesus. Come and be filled with The Bread of Life. Come and quench your thirst with the Living Water. Come and be empowered with The Holy Spirit, for The Spirit calls to you, too. Come and be loved by God. 
    Revelation 22:17
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit


    Matthew 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    What does it mean to be poor in spirit? It means to be humble before God. To be poor in spirit is to live our lives in humbled obedience to God. If you think it is beneath you to humble yourself or that it is impossible to deliberately think less of yourself, then, my friend, you need help. And that Help is The Holy Spirit. 
    We are hearing God speak to us when we read in His Word how to humble ourselves to His will. We have our example in Christ.
    Philippians 2:8 tells us that "And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross." 
    To humble ourselves is to not rebel against God's Word which we have heard. Isaiah 50:5 "The Lord GOD has opened My ears, and I have not been rebellious, nor have I turned back."
    To humble ourselves is to focus on Christ and not on ourselves. We can cry "Woe is me!" and draw attention to ourselves or we can shout "Glory Hallelujah! Jesus leadeth me!" Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
    To humble ourselves is to surrender what we want for what God wants. Jeremiah 4:4 "Circumcise (dedicate, sanctify) yourselves to the LORD And remove the foreskin [sins] of your heart, Men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Or else My wrath will go forth like fire [consuming all that gets in its way] And burn and there will be no one to quench it, Because of the evil of your acts.”
    To humble ourselves is to purposely decrease our say-so and let God say thus and thus. John 3:30 " He must increase, but I must decrease."
    To humble ourselves is to give God the glory and not take credit for anything He says and does. Ever. Who found the perfect outfit for you to wear? God. Who showed you which tool to use for which project? God. Who reveals Himself in nature? God. Every question can be answered for God is the solution. 
    When Christ humbled Himself, He surrendered to God's Will and submitted Himself to God's Purpose and Plan. It was a battle (Luke 22:) but The Spirit was with Him and He was able to overcome the flesh part of Him that He might fulfill God's Plan of Salvation for His people. Luke 22:42  “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done.”
    To be poor in spirit is to intentionally honor God in our daily lives, bringing our self-desires into alignment with His desires for us. Only then will be blessed (to be envied because of God's benefits on us). 
     Are you ready to be "poor in spirit"?


Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lies within you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:17-18
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

Peace. A much sought after product, but seldom found by today's diggers. What does it mean to be a peacemaker? They who promote peace, instead of war, instead of division. They who introduce peace by way of the gospel, instead of hate. 
To be a Peacemaker is to reflect the heart of God, for God is Peace. "But now is Christ Jesus, you who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For He Is our Peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us....For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father." Ephesians 2:13-14, 18
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
Peacemakers are trouble-brokers, they settle disputes, disperse justice and judgment fairly. They disperse blessings on their attackers instead of vengeance: peacemakers do not  get even. Nor do they sue the wrongful, but leave everything in a situation in God's hands and let Him settle things, beginning with themselves. 
In this way, the Christian is recognized as a child of God. For only a true Christian, a true follower of Christ, will be proven by their actions and words of peace and blessing where none would be expected to be found. 1 Peter 2:8-9 "Finally, be you all of one mind, having compassion on one another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that you are thereunto called, that you should inherit a blessing." 

Blessed are we who bless each other and are a blessing to each other, who show compassion and mercy fairly, with guileless hearts: for we shall be called the children of God. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Pure In Heart

Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."
So, in studying this verse out it took me to Psalm 15:2, which describes even further what it means to be pure of heart; it is more than good thoughts and generosity.
To be pure of heart is to walk uprightly and work righteousness, to live a moral life and use the powers we are given to bless people whenever we can, not use our powers against others. Whether the power we wield is social, economical, or political we are to use it to be a blessing not a curse.
This verse took me Genesis 17:1 where God tells Abraham that in order to walk With God, Abraham must back up his faith in God with obedience to God. And the righteous? They who honor God by placing Him first in every aspect and decision of their lives, which means they follow His will.
The pure in heart speak truth in their heart and truth is spoken through them. They don't lie to themselves, nor anyone else for that matter. So, how do I read this with understanding?

Blessed is the one who is pure in heart: who uses his blessings to bless others, who wields justice and mercy with compassion and not regard. Blessed is the one who puts God first in every way, and consults Him first in decision-making. Blessed is the one who backs up his faith in God with actions that align with his faith.
Seeing God fact to face is our reward for living a pure and holy life. God sees us always, but Hebrews 12:14 says that someday we will see God just as clearly as He sees us. Now, that's something to look forward to!

Friday, November 1, 2019

They That Mourn

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

So, as I study through this portion of the sermon on the mount, the Beatitudes, I see that Luke 6:20-23 is referenced for most of it. And what does Luke have to write that confirms what Matthew is saying? He also speaks of the poor, the weeping, the persecutions, and rejoicing. Jesus is speaking to the crowd about the state of the believer. It is a hard and difficult life but the reward is worth it all.

They that mourn. It is not just the grieving heart that will be comforted in due time, it is the repentant, broken heart that is referred to, as well.  The word "mourn" is from the Hebrew word 'Pentheo' which means: to lament, I grieve, feel guilt; manifested grief so severe it takes possession of a person and cannot be hid. 

How does such grief find relief? In Jesus. The word 'blessed' all by itself goes beyond mere emotional status and into the spiritual well-being and 'distinctive spiritual joy of they who share in the salvation of the kingdom of God. Are you blessed in such a way? Come to Jesus. 

This past Wednesday Karl taught on Psalm 51 which shows the mournfulness of King David after his sin against God with Bathsheba. Here was grief manifested. And what did David do? He ran to God and repented of his sins. And what did God do? God forgave him. A reminder that when we sin, we should turn to God and seek His forgiveness. And God will forgive the truly repentant soul; the soul of a person will be comforted in the knowing of such forgiveness. 

God is merciful and will show mercy to whomsoever He chooses. King David lusted after a woman who. in my opinion as a woman,  shamelessly bathed on the rooftop of her house, where all could see her. He had sex with her, she got pregnant. So he manipulated the death of her husband and married her. Through it all he remained unrepentant and God judged him. Afterwards, David repented, received forgiveness and came into the joy of his salvation through God. Knowing God can forgive David for all his wickedness, we should run to God whenever sin gets into our hearts that God might forgive us, too. 

When we know the difference between what is right and what is wrong, we become accountable to God for how we choose. In this day and age of accessible technologies, there is no excuse for not being informed of the right way to live according to God. Bibles and Scripture passages can be accessed right on a person's cell phone. 

(I have downloaded Bible Hub on mine. There is also Bible Gateway, which is a great resource for study. I use Bible Hub on b  my PC daily because my Strong's Exhaustive Concordance has such tiny font that I need to use a magnifying glass to read it. Though I will still use it occasionally, but it is so doggone heavy. I am paying the price for growing older.)

Anyway, let's come back to our verse today. How do we seek God's forgiveness? It's easier than you think. On our knees, face downward acknowledging God's holiness and righteousness. Jesus gives us an example of how to pray, which is commonly referred to as The Lord's Prayer, but is merely an example of How To Pray. 

We can come to God as our Father. A good, good Father who resides in heaven, whose Name is HOLY. 
We pray for His kingdom to come to us, the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. We pray that God's will be done to us here, that we repent of our wicked ways, turn from them to God and walk out this life in His glory: that all may see that God is just in His love and merciful. We pray that God's will be done here just as His will is done in heaven where He reigns.
We pray for our daily Bread, for a daily walk with Jesus in this life we now live for God. Daily we will read His Word and seek His face. 
We pray for God to forgive us, as we have forgiven others. Whoa! That right there is a loaded prayer. How have we forgiven others, how have we treated the people who do us wrong? If we have not forgiven anyone who has mistreated us, then God cannot forgive us. We must forgive all those who sin against us, that God will forgive all the sins we have committed against Him. Only an honest heart will repent of all uncleanness, all unrighteous acts and thoughts that have kept us from the presence of God: for God is HOLY and sin cannot be where God is.
We pray that God keeps us from temptation, knowing that He will make a way for us to escape said temptations in our life. How do we know this? Because He says so. For the kingdom is His, the power is His and the glory is His. Not ours, nor anyone else's, regardless of what other folks might think, believe or say. 

Dear Heavenly Father, I repent of all my wicked ways, the words I have spoken and the thoughts which Your Spirit reveals to me. Forgive me of all my sins, bring me into Your kingdom and Your kingdom into me. Take me into Your heart, wash me clean and make me Yours.  Teach me Your ways and Your will that I might live a holy and righteous life in Your sight. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Poor In Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3

To be poor in spirit is to have humility before God. Since everything we do and say is seen and heard by God we need to be aware of this and consider how we will react to the words being spoken against the believer, the actions being brought against the believer's faith in Jesus Christ. 

To be poor in spirit is have joy in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a knowing of who He is, who He is in us and who we are in Him. It is joy in our salvation through Him. Why do we rejoice in such salvation? Salvation through Jesus Christ is necessary to not only reach God, but stay in God's eternal presence, in His heaven for all of eternity. 

When we die, our bodies are not just buried and that's it. Cremation may turn the body to ash and the winds may blow it to the four corners of the earth, but that's not the end either. A living person has three integral counterparts: the body, the soul and the spirit. 

The body is the physical part. The spirit is breath. The soul is our mind, our will, our emotions. The soul is the spiritual part of the body, the heart of the body that makes decisions and causes the body to go where the heart wills. 

When the body dies, the spirit, the breath, leaves the body. So does the soul. But where does the soul go? If you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, that He died on the cross and rose from the dead, and lived according to the Word of God on how a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ) should live (precepts), then your soul is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

If, however, a person never believes that Jesus Christ is Lord, then that soul will go to hell. God clearly outlines what is required to enter into His kingdom and what happens when that requirement is not met. Hell is not one big party. If all of your friends are there, they don't want you there with them. It is a horrible, nasty, dry place without love, without relief. As a person lived in life, so that person will die in death: selfish and prideful. (see Luke 16:19-31)

What is the kingdom of heaven? A gift from God to those who believe that He sent His Son to Earth to take our punishment for sin by surrendering His will to His Father's will. (see John 3:16, 17; Luke 22:42) 

The kingdom of heaven is God's dwelling place, where God lives and abides. The believer is given the keys to the kingdom (Matthew 16:19). And lives according to kingdom rules (Matthew 7:21). 

But just remember: however you believe while you still draw breath determines the eternal destination of your soul. God does not send a person's soul to hell according to how 'bad' a person has been in this life, but how that person believed: God can see our hearts: our thoughts, our decisions. You cannot blame God for your actions. When He created us, He created us with the power to choose. We can choose life in Jesus Christ and be saved or we can choose not to believe and be condemned. 

I am a Christian. I choose to follow Jesus Christ and live according to godly precepts. I am a believer. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blessed Are The Meek

For They Shall Inherit The Earth
Matthew 5:5

As I read this verse, I am asked two things simultaneously: #1 Who are the meek? and #2 What does it mean to be meek?

One thing we do know, it is not this earth as we know it that the Scripture refers to. This earth will pass away -- Revelation 21:1 "And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." 
2 Peter 3:10

Now that we know which earth the meek get to inherit, let's find out who the meek are. By studying the word meek referenced here, we see it is a quote from the Book of Psalms. Psalm 37:11 "But the meek shall inherit the earth; And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." But when we read Psalm 37 from the beginning to the end, we see not only who the meek are, but what they are, thereby telling us what it means to be meek.  

1. FRET NOT thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. In other words: stop worrying yourself to death over the evil committed by folks in this world. And stop wanting what they have. 

2. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. 

3. TRUST in The LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. It's not just about doing good deeds, or committing random acts of kindness: one must first trust in The LORD, then do good. God is our Provider. 

4. DELIGHT thyself also in The LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Delight means to 'take great joy in'. 

5, COMMIT THY WAY unto The LORD; TRUST also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. When we truly commit our ways unto God's ways, we need to rely on Him, trust Him, that He will do what He says He will do. And He will: God does not lie. 

6. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. (the results of committing and trusting).

7. REST in The LORD, and wait patiently for Him: FRET NOT thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the wicked man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. (cf Matthew 11:28 [Rest])

8. CEASE FROM ANGER, and FORSAKE WRATH: FRET NOT thyself in any wise to do evil. Pretty self-explanatory there. Or maybe not. 
See, when we get angry, we tend to explode in unrighteous words and actions. Road rage is a good example of this. Some folks get frustrated when they drive, always thinking the other driver is at fault. With road rage, these faults are exaggerated in the angry person; they behave aggressively, at times taking the life of the other driver(s) with whom they think is at fault. 
Now, while that is one of the extreme examples of doing evil while angry, there are lesser intents that we don't always acknowledge:
a. Do we get offended when we feel slighted or overlooked? 
b. Do we post hateful messages on our social media?

9. For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon The LORD, they shall inherit the (new) earth.

10. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. 

11. But the meek shall inherit the (new) earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. 

12. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. 

13. The LORD shall laugh at him (the wicked): for He seeth that his day is coming. 

14. The wicked have drawn out their sword, and bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. -- Here the meek are portrayed as poor and needy and upright conversation

15, Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

16. A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. 

17. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but The LORD upholdeth the righteous

18. The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.

19. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

20. But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of The LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

21. The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth. Deuteronomy 15:6; Jeremiah 15:10; Proverbs 22:9.

22. For such as be blessed of Him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off.

23. The steps of a good man are ordered by The LORD; and he delighteth in His way. 1 Samuel 2:9.

24. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for The LORD upholdeth him with His hand. 

25. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Deuteronomy 32:6.

26. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.

27. Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. 

28. For The LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not His saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.

29. The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever

30. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.

31. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide. 

32. The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him. -- This is why we need to be alert to what is going on around us in this world. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is a threat to the wickedness of this world. We seek to spread the saving gospel of Jesus Christ to all who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. The evil in this world seeks our destruction. We must watch and pray, not just at set times, but throughout our days and into our nights. 1 Peter 5:8 

33. The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. 

34. Wait on The LORD, and keep His way. And he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it. -- Waiting on our LORD does not mean we sit around and do nothing until we see Him move. When we dine out, does our waiter or waitress just sit there? No. The wait staff show us to our seats, ask us what we want, turn our orders in and brings us what we have asked for. Jesus is looking for people to serve in such a capacity. Have we shown Him where He can sit? Is He enthroned in our hearts? Have we asked Him what He wants? Are we ready to take His order? Obey His Word? Submit to His commands? Are we bringing Him what He has asked us for? And in what manner are we serving? Are we His servants? 

35. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. 

36. Yet he passed away, and lo, he was not: Yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.

37. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace

38. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off. 

39. But the salvation of the righteous is of The LORD: He is their strength in the time of trouble.

40. And The LORD shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him

In this one chapter alone we see who the meek are. And what it means to be meek. The righteous. The upright. The perfect. Not in and of ourselves, though; for without Christ our righteousness is filthy rags. Jesus Christ living in us makes us perfect. Living out God's Word in our lives makes us upright. Knowing Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior makes us righteous. It is His righteousness that covers us. 

The meek do not let anger, bitterness, frustration, unforgiveness, grudges, irritation, violence, irascibility, conniption fits, tantrums and the like rule in their hearts. Temperance is taking control of our emotions and letting The Holy Spirit guide us in the way we should behave. Once we understand what God is saying to us, we cannot allow ourselves to treat one another in a way that is not prosperous for our souls. We must commit to loving one another as Christ has loved us: unconditionally, without merit, all-encompassing; forgiving all faults, whether the offending party is repentant or not. 

The meek  are not ashamed of their faith in their God. --Romans 1:16-17 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

When we reference Roget's Thesaurus, we see synonyms for the word meek, some of which are apt; others, not so much, as context must be considered also. We need to go into Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to see the definition of meek. 

Roget's Thesaurus: click link to see meek synonyms

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:
#6039 Humble, needy, poor, meek gentle.  (Old Testament "meek" defined.
(New Testament "meek" defined): 
Cognate: 4239 praýs (also listed as 4239 a/praupathia in NAS dictionary) –meek. See 4236 (praótēs).
This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than "meek." Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control– i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness.
[The English term "meek" often lacks this blend – i.e. of gentleness (reserve)and strength.]

I like that: Meekness is exercising God's strength under His control, demonstrating power without undue harshness. How like God to show us that when He is in it, we are 'more than' what we appear to be.