As I posted on Facebook earlier, "Unforgiveness is cancer of the soul. Unforgiveness kills the spirit, steals your joy and destroys everything in its path." It is one of Satan's primary weapons. It may appear to start out as something small or minor to one person and soon erupt in a lifetime of bitterness, resentment, anger, loathing, hate, fear, frustration, gossip, secrets and murder.
To understand the full impact of unforgiveness, we just need to open our own eyes and actually survey the world around us, instead of shutting it out and hoping it will get better with time. Well, it won't. In the course of the time allowed us until Christ's return to take His church home, His church needs to be about her business. And her business is planting people in pews or harvesting the tithes and offerings into her own pockets.
In order to remove the unforgiveness in our lives, we must first repent of the sins which lie in our own hearts. We seek God's favor and ask for His forgiveness first. To us. You and I are not perfect. This forgiveness thing is not easy at first, but with grace we are able to mean it when we offer it. Remember when you first got saved? What a load was taken off! What a relief not to have to carry that baggage any longer! So, why carry it now? Begin to forgive everything. And everyone. Oh, and don't expect it to be a bed of sunshine either. As soon as you begin to forgive and seek forgiveness, that old devil will pop right up with new reasons for you to try to hold onto your grudges. Remember, Grudges are nasty, dirty things. If you are holding one, you need to put it down now. And go wash your hands. And your hearts.
Unforgiveness has the power to destroy homes, tear apart churches, damage relationships, and kindle fires. Obedience to God, faith in Christ and an ear open for the promptings of the Holy Spirit will strengthen the Power of Forgiveness in you and I. To forgive each other is to express the grace of God by our actions and our words. God forgives us our sins as soon as we repent. Why can't we forgive each other in that same way?
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