Thursday, February 8, 2018

Armed & Dangerous


The Christian's best, and only, defense is to be clothed in the righteousness of Christ and living a holy (sanctified and set apart) life. We are not here to debate our faith, but to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. We are here to pray to Almighty God and intercede on behalf of those who need Jesus Christ.

We are never to be on the offense when it comes to living for Jesus. Yes, people without understanding will be offended by us. And that's okay. In fact, it should be expected. This saving grace that we have obtained for ourselves through our belief on the name of The LORD Jesus Christ didn't happen perchance: Somebody prayed for us. Somebody interceded on our behalf. Somebody sacrificed their time and energies to get us into heaven, into the eternal presence of God. Somebody loved us enough to do that for us. Are we loving the ones we are praying for enough to give up whatever we fill our time with?

Are we the somebody of our generation, seeking the lost, feeding Christ's sheep, shining the Light of God's Love into our homes, our workplaces, our friendships? 

Are we applying ourselves to studying The Word of God at least a portion of everyday? I do not devour my Bible as often as I used to, nor as often as I would like to. But a great deal of it is in my heart, and I am still learning to apply The Word to my everyday living. Someday, I'm going to hear those words every believer longs to hear: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant".

A Christian warrior is a servant. Not at all what you may expect to hear is it? I am a servant of Jesus Christ, His handmaid who waits upon her LORD. I take my battles to Him and He does all the fighting for me and for they for whom I pray. I bring Him an offering of praise and He receives it. And I becomes we. We. For wherever 2 or 3 are gathered together in His Name, there is He in the midst of them, as The Word tells us. We are His servants, His sheep, His people.

We are armed with The Word of God upon us, in us and beside us. We are dangerous to God's enemy, for when God's Light, Jesus Christ, shines into the darkness of a person's heart, the battle for that heart becomes intense. The Light reveals sin, and a person must acknowledge that sin for what it is, disobedience to God) in order to have The Light living in their heart. We who believe have all made that decision at one time or another. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

But God. John 3:16 But God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." I am a whosoever. I believe.

I study The Word. I pray The Word. I live The Word. I am Armed & Dangerous.