Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Prepositional Faith - Stand, Ask, Walk, Rest



Thus says The LORD, "Stand in the old ways, and see, and Ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way, and Walk therein, and you shall find Rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk therein.'"

    Stand in the old ways. What are the old ways? The Ways of The LORD. He has set them up for us to follow, that we may be blessed of Him and He would be glorified. 

    Psalm 37:1-8
  • Fret not (don't worry about stuff, don't get anxious about anything)
  • Envy not the evildoers (covet nothing they have)
  • Trust in The LORD and do good
  • Cultivate faithfulness
  •  Delight yourself in The LORD, He will give you the desires of your heart
  • Commit your way to The LORD and Trust in Him: He will keep His Promises
  • Be still before The LORD; wait patiently for Him
  • Reiterates to fret not over the schemes of those who commit evil
  • Refrain from anger and abandon wrath 
    Ask For the old paths. Ask God to show us where and how He desires us to walk in His Ways. 
    Walk in the paths which God has foreordained that we should walk in. Everybody has a story because everybody is on a journey to a final destination. When life begins, death is inevitable. It is how we live our lives now that will impact our soul's eternal location. 
    Rest in The LORD. It is entirely possible to be at peace in our lives when we have the Peace of Christ living and breathing in us. Rest in His Word; it's a comfort to go the Book of Psalms and find Bible verses that can calm my soul when I begin to feel anxious over little things. Rest in His Presence: get down on our knees, if we can still kneel, fold our hands or stretch out our bodies on the ground/the floor, and talk to God. He will make Himself known to the ones who truly seek Him with all their hearts. 

    Yet, with all this wealth of knowledge in regards to following God's Word, many people will still refuse to obey Him. They disregard His Word and His warnings. That's not for us to worry about. Our part on their behalf is to keep praying for them: For their hardened hearts to repent, for them to receive The Holy Spirit and be filled with God's power to accomplish God's purpose in their lives. 
    It is not God's desire that anyone perish. It is God's desire that everyone receive salvation through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. But it's entirely up to each and every one of us to make that commitment to Christ while we have breath. For after death it will be too late. 
    Please do not make hell your final destination. Repent and be baptized in The Holy Spirit now. Acknowledge your sins to God when you talk to Him. Weep before The LORD and receive His forgiveness. Come, says the Bride and The Spirit. Come to the altar, Come to the table, Come and see Jesus.