Saturday, June 29, 2024

To Walk With God


    To walk with God is to walk in the knowledge that He loves us and desires our companionship, for it is God Who created us from the beginning and continues to transform us into His own image, just as He created Adam in His own image. 

    To walk with God is to walk without fear, without doubt. It is to walk in faith, trusting that God knows what He is doing and where He is taking us. The river has many bends and may even fall over the cliff in stunning waterfalls, but if that is where God wants us to go, then we will follow Him wherever He leads us. For it is not God's intent to cause His children harm, but to nourish us in His Word and cherish us in His heart.

    To walk with God is to walk boldly, fearing no person, no place, no thing. The Bible tells us that "where two or three are gathered together in The Name of The Lord" that "He is there with us". The Lord Jesus did not send His disciples out alone into the cities to share the gospel, but in pairs. It seems in that way there would always be two gathered together and Jesus would be right there with them: in The Spirit. 

    To walk with God is to walk in The Way of Holiness, the old path which God has laid out from time past that He would have His people to walk in. It may sound strange to some folks, but not all paths are physical pathways. There are spiritual and spirit-filled paths, as well. The Way of Holiness is Spirit-filled, for it the path which God designed for His people to walk in that they may obtain righteousness and be made holy, much needed requirements for entering into God's rest.

    God's righteousness is the wedding garment which the invited guest wears to the marriage of The Lamb and The Bride (Christ and His church). Holiness is the attire we wear over our garment of righteousness: without holiness we will not see God and live. Therefore we must walk the old path, the strait and the narrow path, which leaves no room for frivolous accoutrements.

    To walk with God is to walk in integrity, living a holy and righteous life not only in our churches, but in our homes, in our workplaces and in our communities. Every aspect of a Christian's life must match God's example of being Christlike, as noted in The New Testament. Our words and our actions must exemplify the grace which God extended to us through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. To do less would be the actions of a hypocrite, a fake, a pretender. 

    To walk with God is to walk in humility. We do not need recognition from our peers for we know that when we are working for God, He sees our hearts and will reward us in heaven. It is to accept being overlooked and underappreciated in this life. It is to be silent in the face of rejection and hate. 

    To walk with God is to know pain and suffering, sorrow and grief. It is to know healing and wholeness, joy and laughter. To walk with God is to know God a little more clearly each day that we walk together. It is to have His hand in mine, as a Father walks with His little child. 

    To walk with God is to walk with purpose. A random encounter to us is a designated destination to God. It is an open door through which we can share the gospel. It is an opportunity to tell someone new what God has done for us. 

    To walk with God is to walk in His Light. In His Light, darkness flees. In His Light His Word is clear to see and understand. His Word is Light for our steps. When His Word is in our hearts, His Light is in our hearts, too. When we accept and believe the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, God's Light lives in us and shines through us, scattering the dark thoughts and sending them all packing. Though we get downhearted at times, we cannot stay there: we cannot dwell on regret, nor can we quench our thirst for God with tears of bitterness. We must decide and declare whether we want ot live in darkness or live in Light; whether we want to live in fear or live in Love. 

    To walk with God is wonderful. It is the most wonderful way to walk. 

WALK WITH ME - Randy Travis 

WALK WITH ME - Jesus Culture