Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Thankful For Brokenness


Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them,
 and they all drank from it.
Mark 14:23

Jesus, knowing what lay ahead of Him, knowingly gave thanks to God for what was about to happen in the next few hours and coming days. Can any of us say that? 
He knew that His body would suffer and be broken, that His blood would spill out onto not only the ground, but the sins of all the people in the whole wide world. 
He knew and He answered the call His Father had laid on Him to be His Father's Holy Lamb of God which would take away the sins of the world, not just cover them up. 
He knew He would remain silent before His accusers unless prompted by His Father to speak to them. 
He knew the what, the why and the how.
He also knew the outcome.
And He knew the Victory.