Sunday, June 7, 2020



Psalm 145:9 & Nahum 1:7

The LORD Is Good to all: 
And His tender mercies are over all His works.
The LORD Is Good, a strong hold in the day of trouble;
And He knows them that trust Him.

Which brings us to 2 Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless (Paul refuting false doctrine in the church), God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: "The LORD knows them that are His" and "Everyone who calls on the name of The LORD must turn away from iniquity". 

We simply cannot, nor must we continue to indulge in, iniquitous actions once we have called on The LORD's name for our salvation. Yes, God Is Good to all, even more so to all who call on His name to save them and trust in Him for their salvation. 

If you have not made a decision to give your heart and life to Christ, today is that day.