Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Common Sense Is A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

If you don't have Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you don't have common sense. Common sense is logic and reason applied to everyday living. And we can't apply it if we don't have a constant, consistent everyday life with Jesus Christ. 
Common sense isn't gone; it's just not being applied with the right motives. What does God's Word say to us regarding this use of logic and reason? 
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will become like wool."
and again in 
Romans 12:1
"Therefore I exhort you, brothers, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy to God, well-pleasing, which is your reasonable service."
Reason applied to our lives and lifestyles: obedience to God's Living Word which comes to live in us when we repent of our wicked and evil ways and begin to live according to His Word through the power of His Holy Spirit. 
This is that day.

There is no set-in-stone sinners' prayer. 
Just pray from your heart like I did. 
Use your words to seek out God,
acknowledge your wrongdoings,
admit you are a sinner and 
ask His forgiveness.
And if you are truly sincere,
then God will truly forgive you.
And you will become His child.
Believe that Jesus Christ is 
His only begotten Son
who died on the cross in your place/stead,
was buried and rose from the dead
after three days, 
conquering death, hell and the grave in that time;
who walked out of the tomb and
into the garden 
and eventually
the hearts of we who believe. 
Commit yourselves to following 
Jesus Christ 
wherever He may lead you.
Commit yourselves to reading and studying
God's Word on a daily basis 
with the help of God's Holy Spirit
leading you and guiding you
and revealing to you and I
moment by moment
the Truth of God's
Love in His Word.
Admit sin in our life
Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Commit your heart to following Him